Releases: merzlab/QUICK
The official QUICK version released in 2024.
This version is also shipped with AmberTools24 ( as a built-in QM engine.
The official QUICK version released in 2023. This version is also shipped with AmberTools23 ( as a built-in QM engine.
Note: QUICK-23.08 release updated with an error trap for F functions, fix for compile time error that occurs with intel fortran compiler.
The official QUICK version released in 2023. This version is also shipped with AmberTools23 ( as a built-in QM engine.
Note: QUICK-23.08 release updated with an error trap for F functions.
The official QUICK version released in 2023. This version is also shipped with AmberTools23 ( as a built-in QM engine.
Note: This version does not support basis sets with F functions.
The official QUICK version released in 2022. This version is also shipped with AmberTools22 ( as a built-in QM engine.
Note: This version does not support basis sets with F functions.
The official QUICK version released in 2021. This version is also shipped with AmberTools21 ( as a built-in QM engine. QUICK-21.03 has been used in our most recent publications/preprints:,
This release was used for the work reported in Manathunga, M.; Miao, Y.; Mu, D.; Götz, A. W.; Merz, K. M. J. Chem. Theory Comput. 2020, acs.jctc.0c00290.
NOTE: As of 07/13/2020, we have moved the QUICK-20.03 documentation to The users should follow this link rather than