HiCCL is a compositional communication library for hierarchical GPU networks. It offers an API for composing collective functions using multicast, reduction, and fence primitives. These primitives are machine- and library-agnostic, and are defined across GPU endpoints. HiCCL's design principle is to decouple the higher-level communication design and machine-specific optimizations. This principle aims to improve productivity, portability, and performance when building custom collective functions.
HiCCL is based on CommBench: a micro-benchmarking software for HPC networks. While HiCCL is a C++ layer for generating communication patterns on an abstract machine, CommBench is the middleware for implementing the patterns on an actual machine. The implementation is achieved by using the point-to-point functions of the chosen communication library, MPI, NCCL, RCCL, and OneCCL, and IPC capabilities (e.g., put, get), and recently GASNet-EX RMA functions for non-MPI applications.
The collective function is built within a persistent communicator. As an example, below shows an in-place composition of the All-Reduce collective.
#define PORT_CUDA
#include "hiccl.h"
#define T float;
using namespace HiCCL
int main() {
size_t count = 1e9 / sizeof(T); // 1 GB
Comm<T> allreduce;
T *sendbuf;
T *recvbuf;
allocate(sendbuf, count * numproc);
allocate(recvbuf, count * numproc);
// partial reductions (each GPU gathers count elements from all GPUs for reduction)
for (int i = 0; i < numproc; i++)
allreduce.add_reduction(sendbuf + i * count, recvbuf + i * count, count, HiCCL::all, i);
// express ordering of the primitives
// multicast partial results (each GPU sends count elements to all GPUs except itself)
for (int i = 0; i < numproc; i++)
allreduce.add_multicast(recvbuf + i * count, recvbuf + i * count, count, i, HiCCL::others);
// optimization parameters
std::vector<int> hierarchy = {numproc / 12, 6, 2}; // hierarchical factorization
std::vector<library> lib = {MPI, IPC, IPC}; // implementation libraries in each level
int numstripe(1); // multi-rail striping (off)
int ring(1); // number of virtual ring nodes (off)
int pipeline(count / (1e6 / sizeof(T))); // MTU: 1 MB
// initialize
allreduce.init(hierarchy, lib, numstripe, ring, pipeline);
// repetetive communications
for (int iter = 0; iter < numiter; iter++) {
// ...
// nonblocking start
// ... overlap other things
// blocking wait
// ...
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