Write images to byte strings and saved as .pkl. And also converts byte strings to .png
- Download the images_byte.py into your desired folder
- Open the folder and open terminal or cmd in the folder. Type the command:
> python -m images_byte -h
usage: Images to Byte Converter [-h] -i Input Directory -o Output Directory -f Filename [-n [Num Images]] [-pkl]
Converts images into byte, saved as .pkl
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-i Input Directory, --input-dir Input Directory
Input image directory
-o Output Directory, --output-dir Output Directory
Output save directory
-f Filename, --filename Filename
Save filename
-n [Num Images], --num-images [Num Images]
Number of images to load, default=-1 (loads all images)
-pkl, --write-byte
-png, --write-png
Image to Bytes Converter v.0.0.1
- Run code with input folder, destination folder, filename and option "-pkl" to saved images as pkl or "png" to extract images.
For example
# To save images as pkl
> python -m images_byte -i path/to/input-images -o /destination-folder -f output-filename -pkl
# To extract images from "pkl" file and save as .png
> python -m images_byte -i path/to/input-pkl-file -o /destination-folder -f output-filename -png
Please send me reference if you use this code for your work. Thank you