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Sync with main

Sync with main #97

name: mcstas-msvc-winbasictest
# More platform information available on:
runs-on: ${{ matrix.os }}
shell: cmd
os: [windows-2019, windows-2022, windows-2025]
- name: Checkout
uses: actions/checkout@v4
path: src
- name: Setup python
uses: actions/setup-python@v5
python-version: 3.11
#Two ways of enabling cl.exe and other tools. One is via an external action...:
- name: Setup VS in shell
uses: ilammy/msvc-dev-cmd@v1
#...but a simpler one might be to simply invoke the correct vcvars64.bat
#file first, like...:
# - name: whatever
# shell: cmd
# run: |
# call "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Enterprise\VC\Auxiliary\Build\vcvars64.bat"
# cl /help
#...but since we also want to support VS 2019, we use the above action for now
- name: Setup MPI
uses: mpi4py/setup-mpi@v1
mpi: 'msmpi'
- name: Setup MPI cygpath bash...
shell: bash
run: |
cygpath -sm "$MSMPI_INC" > includepath.txt
cygpath -sm "$MSMPI_LIB64" > libpath.txt
- name: Setup MPI cygpath...
run: |
set /p MPIINCVAR=<includepath.txt
set /p MPILIBVAR=<libpath.txt
- name: choco install deps
run: choco install winflexbison3 wget
- name: CMake cfg
run: >
cmake -B build -S src
- name: CMake build
shell: cmd
run: cmake --build build --config Release -j 2
- name: CMake install
run: cmake --install build --config Release
- name: pip install deps
run: pip install PyYAML ply McStasscript ncrystal mslex
- name: pip install mcpl-core preview
run: pip install -v "git+"
- name: set MCSTAS env var
run: echo MCSTAS=%CD%\install\share\mcstas\resources >> %GITHUB_ENV%
- name: check MCSTAS env var
run: echo %MCSTAS%
- run: type .\install\share\mcstas\tools\Python\mccodelib\mccode_config.json
- run: .\install\bin\mcrun -h
- run: .\install\bin\mcstas -v
- run: mcpl-config -s
- run: ncrystal-config -s
- name: Prepare rundirs
run: mkdir run_std run_mcpl_output run_mcpl_input run_mcpl_input_once run_union run_ncrystal
- name: Prepare std instrument
working-directory: run_std
run: copy ..\install\share\mcstas\resources\examples\BNL\BNL_H8\BNL_H8.instr test.instr
- name: Prepare NCrystal instrument
working-directory: run_ncrystal
run: copy ..\install\share\mcstas\resources\examples\NCrystal\NCrystal_example\NCrystal_example.instr test.instr
- name: Prepare MCPL_input instrument
working-directory: run_mcpl_input
run: |
copy ..\install\share\mcstas\resources\examples\Tests_MCPL_etc\Test_MCPL_input\Test_MCPL_input.instr test.instr
copy ..\install\share\mcstas\resources\examples\Tests_MCPL_etc\Test_MCPL_input\voutput.mcpl .
- name: Prepare MCPL_input_once instrument
working-directory: run_mcpl_input_once
run: |
copy ..\install\share\mcstas\resources\examples\Tests_MCPL_etc\Test_MCPL_input_once\Test_MCPL_input_once.instr test.instr
copy ..\install\share\mcstas\resources\examples\Tests_MCPL_etc\Test_MCPL_input_once\voutput.mcpl .
- name: Prepare MCPL_output instrument
working-directory: run_mcpl_output
run: copy ..\install\share\mcstas\resources\examples\Tests_MCPL_etc\Test_MCPL_output\Test_MCPL_output.instr test.instr
- name: Run std instrument
working-directory: run_std
run: ..\install\bin\mcrun --verbose test.instr -d Single_core lambda=2.36
- name: Run MCPL_output instrument
working-directory: run_mcpl_output
run: ..\install\bin\mcrun --verbose test.instr -d Single_core Ncount=1e3
- name: Run MCPL_input instrument
working-directory: run_mcpl_input
run: ..\install\bin\mcrun --verbose test.instr -d Single_core repeat=1
- name: Run MCPL_input_once instrument
working-directory: run_mcpl_input_once
run: ..\install\bin\mcrun --verbose test.instr -d Single_core v_smear=0.1
- name: Run NCrystal instrument
working-directory: run_ncrystal
run: ..\install\bin\mcrun --verbose test.instr -d Single_core sample_cfg="Y2O3_sg206_Yttrium_Oxide.ncmat;density=0.6x"
- name: Run std instrument MPI
working-directory: run_std
run: ..\install\bin\mcrun --verbose test.instr -d MPI_multicore -c --mpi=auto lambda=2.36
- name: Run MCPL_output instrument MPI
working-directory: run_mcpl_output
run: ..\install\bin\mcrun --verbose test.instr -d MPI_multicore -c --mpi=auto Ncount=1e3
- name: Run MCPL_input instrument MPI
working-directory: run_mcpl_input
run: ..\install\bin\mcrun --verbose test.instr -d MPI_multicore -c --mpi=auto repeat=1
- name: Run MCPL_input_once instrument MPI
working-directory: run_mcpl_input_once
run: ..\install\bin\mcrun --verbose test.instr -d MPI_multicore -c --mpi=auto v_smear=0.1
- name: Run NCrystal instrument MPI
working-directory: run_ncrystal
run: ..\install\bin\mcrun --verbose test.instr -d MPI_multicore -c --mpi=auto sample_cfg="Y2O3_sg206_Yttrium_Oxide.ncmat;density=0.6x"
- name: 'Tar output files'
id: tar-package
if: always()
shell: bash
run: |
set -e
set -u
set -x
tar cvfz mcstas-msvc-${{ matrix.os }}_output.tgz run_*
- name: 'Upload Artifact'
id: tar-upload
uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4
if: always()
name: mcstas-msvc-${{ matrix.os }}_output.tgz
path: "mcstas-msvc-${{ matrix.os }}_output.tgz"