An initial development of a cheap 3D printed sumo robot to serve as a base design for a maker training course.
- Robotics and Interdiscplinary Engineering Design
- SolidWorks 3D Design
- 3D Printing
- Arduino Robotics Integration
- Electrical Prototyping and Soldering
- C Programming
- Sensor Management
- Total cost per bot: <= $50
- Shall be capable of being built in one semester with <= 4 hours spent per week
- Shall be capable of staying within a white ring on a black surface unopposed
- Shall be capable of searching for opponent bot
- 3D printed robot base with light color for high light reflectivity for IR
- Front wedge/plate
- 4 x AA Batteries w/ battery holder
- 2 x 3D printed robot wheels/sled
- 2 x servo mounted wheels
- 2 continuous rotating servo motors
- 1 cheap Arduino based microcontroller (Trinket, Teensy, Nano, Metro, Mini, clone etc.)
- 1 forward facing distance sensor (ultrasonic or IR)
- 2 downward facing line detection sensors
- 1 pushbutton for start button (provided by SPARC inventory)
The following are a list of parts that could be used to construct the sumo bot. The prices are approximated per robot.
- $4 Arduino Nano Clone: Longruner Mini Nano V3.0 ATmega328P 5V
- $15 Continous Rotating Servo w/ wheels: 2 Pack FS90R 20.86oz Continuous Rotation Micro Servo Arduino with wheels
- ~$2 Light Blue PLA or ABS
- $3 Ultrasonic Sensor: Elegoo HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Module Distance Sensor
- $6 2 x line Sensors: SPARKFUN REDBOT SENSOR - LINE FO
- $3 4 AA Battery holder: LAMPVPATH 3 Pcs 4 x 1.5V (6V) AA Battery Holder
- $3 Wires: Elegoo 120pcs Multicolored Dupont Wire
- $4 Perma-Protoboard: Adafruit Perma-Proto Half-sized Breadboard PCB
~ Total: $46
- Ultrasonic
- Echo: D2
- Trigger: D3
- Servos
- Left: D10
- Right: D9
- Line Following Sensor
- Left: A7
- Right: A6