Major Features:
- Trezor Hardware Wallet added
- Official Trezor Firmware supports BTC, LTC, DASH
- Custom Firmware build (and soon binaries) from mazaclub are available at
- Encompass Multisig Added (see release notes)
-2of2 and 2of3 types supports, uses custom key derivation- supports multichain multisig with single xpub
- not compatible with Electrum wallets. (Electrum compatible multisig is slated for near term release)
- supports Cosigner pool plugin on all chains
- Linux universal binary package released with shell script installer.
- OSX binary package (10.6+) and installer
- Converts DRK to DASH
Known Issues:
- On OSX, Windows may not open in foreground
- Clicking Dock Icon should bring windows to foreground
- On Windows if using the "portable" (Encompass-0.5.0-Windows.exe) version, new wallet creation may fail due to improper transfer of wordlist - Use Installer (-setup.exe) version.
- Linux version does not install desktop/menu icons
- Most systems with "Start Menu" allow for search, Encompass should be found, and can be dragged to the Favorites on the menu
Each download is provided with md5 & sha1 sums, all files (including sums) are PGP signed.
check sum & signature!
Download version, Version.md5 Version.asc (and optionally Version.md5.asc Version.sha1 Version.sha1.asc)- OSX Example
md5sum -c Encompass-0.5.0-OSX_Installer.pkg gpg --verify Encompass-0.5.0-OSX_Installer.pkg
OSX Encompass-0.5.0-OSX_Installer.pkg
- download and run
Linux - Encompass-0.5.0_Linux_x86_64-Installer.bin
- download, and run
- do not run as root!
Windows Encompass-0.5.0-Windows-setup.exe
- Installer (-setup) and "portable versions are provided, portable has known issues
Source Encompass-0.5.0.tar.gz or "source .tar.gz" (or .zip)
- provided for experimentation and development, developers should view
- 2 sets of source packages are provided in .zip and .tar.gz formats
- "Encompass-0.5.0.tar.gz" "" include packages/ with dependencies
as well as sums and signatures.
- github provides additional encompass-only source.
- provided for experimentation and development, developers should view