- rewrote ChIP-seq workflow completely including wrapper script ChIP-seq
- added histoneHMM for calling broadly enriched regions
- added MACS2 peak quality controls
- revised example.config.yaml files
- moved function get_fragment_length() to common_functions.py
- positional instead of required optional command line arguments
- many small changes
0.3.1 - run Picard quality control on unfiltered BAM files
- added --gcbias parameter to DNA-mapping wrapper script to run computeGCBias optionally
- replaced --input-dir and --output-dir by --working-dir parameter in ChIP-seq
wrapper script to specify the working directory, which is output directory of
the pipeline and must also contain the DNA-mapping pipeline output files - bugfixes
0.3.2 - added generation of QC reports for all samples to ChIP-seq pipeline
- added consistency check for ChIP-seq pipeline whether all required input files exist for all samples
- added peak count to MACS2 peak quality controls
** ** - added documentation to README.md
- moved R library