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Releases: mattxwang/liteweight

Version 3.0.0-beta | Making More Sense

07 Sep 23:56
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Heya there,

This is me reworking more and more bad code. In this beta release for version 3, I change how Liteweight works to make it make more sense, and less like a jumble of bad code strung together. Some of this stuff is still up in the air, but this is what Liteweight should look like from now on.


  • Updates NPM Dependencies (major change is using node-sass instead of ruby-sass)
  • Changes name of liteweight-nexa -> liteweight-duo, and no longer loads the font by default
  • Moves WIP/experimental stuff to liteweight-full, by default liteweight no longer ships WIP features
  • When possible, uses bg-* and border-* modifiers instead of redundant element modifiers
  • Makes white-filled elements have contrastable text
  • Gets rid of *-full class
  • Adds coloured links
  • Makes all borders 1px
  • Generally cleans up documentation to be more accurate

Version 2.1.1 | Basically Ignore This

02 Jun 23:46
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Heyo there,

This is a super small change to liteweight: I dropped the difference in vertical padding on .main-body with different viewport sizes. I also bumped package-lock.json. So, no big writeup, just this is convenient.

I'll be working on v2.2.0 soon! Until then!

Version 2.1.0 | Polishing Up!

24 Apr 03:44
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Heyo there,

I've been a little quiet on GitHub recently, but I have a new release of Liteweight here! I polish up a lot of the features of Liteweight so that it'd be usable in a production project, like my blog (😉). There's a lot of big changes here, and hopefully it makes Liteweight better. I'll be iterating on the WIP elements and adding new stuff as I finish my exams.


  • Uses global .bg-* classes to set background colours instead of .card-bg-*
  • Adds .border-[DIRECTION]-* classes to add coloured borders
  • Adds .fixed-top utility class
  • Changes <pre> elements to use primary accent colours instead of secondary colours by default
  • Adds <blockquote> styling!
  • Reworks the styled nav, using sub-classes similar to Bootstrap (e.g. .nav-left, .nav-right, .nav-item. Check the documentation for more.
  • Drops vertical nav support for now
  • Readjusts tag padding and line-height to be more visually consistent
  • Drops Roboto as the default font, instead defaults to system fonts
  • Adds white and black as colours to the default colour map
  • Reorders some CSS generation blocks to more appropriate .scss files (has no impact on CSS)
  • Removes incorrect installation recommendation of grunt-cli

Liteweight Version 2!

10 Oct 05:13
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This is super exciting! After several months of work, we now have Liteweight version 2.0.0! It overhauls almost everything from the old Liteweight, taking advantage of the awesome features of SASS and expanding on the components included. Since this is basically new software, making a changelog is tough; nevertheless, I'll include one below.

While not everything is done, enough of it is (especially the core elements) to warrant a 2.0.0. Everything (minus dropdows and navs) are production ready, and we'll work on those two elements in more 2.x releases.

Special thanks to Nick O'Brien (@obrien66) for starting the switch to SASS; never would have known how awesome this would be without it!

I hope you enjoy using Liteweight (or learning from it). Thanks for reading!


  • Swaps to SASS
  • Adds Grunt and NPM tools to build the SASS files
  • Splits up files into components
  • Adds colour map with more colours
  • Adds dropdowns (WIP)
  • Adds Tags and variants
  • Adds more text utilities
  • Adds horizontal and vertical navbars (heavy WIP)
  • Documents almost everything!

Liteweight 2 (Beta 3) Release

29 Sep 16:02
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Hello my dudes,

It's Matt again with another Beta release for Liteweight! I think we're almost done with all the fixes we need to make, so expect our first version 2.0.0 release soon. In this release, we add tags and do a lot of consistency passovers: making sure buttons are display:inline-block, fixing naming with text utilities, standardizing other elements to fit with our overall theme, and improving our documentation.

After I finish figuring out navs, dropdowns, and document our theming process, we'll be good to go. See you all soon!

Liteweight 2 (Beta 2) Release

29 Aug 21:15
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Hello again friends,

It's Matt again with another beta release of liteweight! Here, we wrap up some loose ends in both documentation and code, and we bring liteweight 2 on feature parity with the original test version. Exciting! Oh, and also we have a logo/favicon. Woohoo!

No full changelog; expect that in the full release of liteweight, which should ship later this year.

Liteweight 2 (Beta 1) Release

23 Mar 04:03
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Hello friends,

Since my last milestone at v1.0.0, we've actually done a lot! With the help of @obrien66 , we've made liteweight more modular, added cool features like multi-colour support, nav items, dropdowns, and themes, and opened up our code for more awesome development in the future! This version of liteweight is basically a complete redesign, fixing up our code so it's more usable and creating more futureproof opportunities.

This is a beta release as liteweight is currently usable, but we haven't completed some features (and virtually zero documentation). That being said, it's still pretty cool, and we're still learning. Thanks for sticking with us along the way!

If you have any suggestions, let us know! We'd love to make liteweight more awesome.

No changelog for now, it's basically a redesign at this point. Sorry.

Thanks for reading, have fun!

Liteweight is Done (For Now)

19 Nov 01:20
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Here's everything Liteweight related you'll need. Obviously, this isn't designed for production: it's for educational use instead.

If you've got anything for me, let me know on the issues tracker!