Containerized the whole app. Everything now runs in Kubernetes.
Upgraded to Django 5.
Started pruning the audit log. The pruning time frame depends on the importance of the data. Nothing is pruned earlier than two years.
Started opening absence links in modals from everywhere.
Started showing vacation planning warnings when people are not planning enough vacations.
Changed the content type of the annual working time ZIP so that it isn't destroyed during transmission by proxies etc.
Stopped crashing when users try to determine a currency exchange rate for the future (which isn't possible).
Added a new defined search to the invoice list which allows showing open invoices sorted by their due date.
Added a warning when users create invoices with negative subtotals.
Added a warning when users try creating invoices with invoice dates in the far future.
Stopped attaching PDFs to the autodunning mail
Added the functionality to copy logged cost entries
Actually allowed moving costs between projects
Allowed adding and editing absences directly from the annual working time report
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