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List of Features Not Supported in External Axes Mode

Daniel Goldfarb edited this page Nov 24, 2021 · 5 revisions

Listing them here for now. Hopefully eventually all will include warnings in the code:

Feature Why not supported
panel fundamentally different approach
y_on_right because the information is stored within the panel object; in theory, maybe this could be supported.
figscale mplfinance has no access to the Figure (when in external axes mode)
figratio mplfinance has no access to the Figure (when in external axes mode)
figsize mplfinance has no access to the Figure (when in external axes mode)
title mplfinance has no access to the Figure (when in external axes mode). Use axtitle instead (or don't use external Axes mode).
volume=True user must specify volume=<AxesObject> (since all Axes are external, mplfinance otherwise doesn't know which Axes to use for volume).
x-axis ticks only on the bottom plot since Axes are external, mplfinance has no idea which one is on the bottom.
secondary_y a secondary y is actually another Axes; so user must provide the secondary_y Axes object via ax=<AxesObject>
fill_between this will take some restructuring of the code but can, in theory, be supported in External Axes Mode
savefig mplfinance has no access to the Figure (when in external axes mode)
axisoff user has the full list of Axes objects; let the user call ax.set_axis_off() for all of them.
tight_layout mplfinance has no access to the Figure (when in external axes mode)
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