- #16828 never specify optional parameter before required one [by @tsteur]
- #16853 Missing
after upgrade to 4.x [by @tsteur] - #16857 Matomo 4.0.2 warns about "ExampleLogTables requires Piwik <4.0.0-b1" [by @tsteur]
- #16775 --skip-segments-today no longer working in Matomo 4? [by @diosmosis]
- #16795 Create robots.txt to prevent bots from indexing Matomo app [by @mattab, @tsteur]
- #16837 More rigorous checks for non-existant site so archiving wont fail if … [by @diosmosis, @tsteur]
- #16842 Segments not working on preprocessed files since Matomo 4.0.0 [by @diosmosis]
- #16844 only select invalidations that were added before a sites archiving began [by @diosmosis, @tsteur]
- #16851 Fix ttl not being respected on existing invalidations [by @diosmosis]
- #16869 Widget access always only works with view access not respecting new config setting [by @diosmosis]
- #16870 When forcing GET request method in JS tracker then disable send beacon [by @tsteur]