A functional demo of the O365 Module to send an email on an authenticated, tokenized account.
- Create an app in Azure Developer's portal (Included in Setup)
- Create Secret, and copy tennant, client and secret (Included in Setup)
- Load the python script, with dotenv, O365
- You need to register an app in the Developpers Portal. Instructions can are here: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/auth-register-app-v2
- Once set up, we need to talk permissions. Guide is here: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/active-directory/develop/quickstart-configure-app-access-web-apis
- Now you need to setup a Certificate and Secret. Click on Certificates and Secrets, and add a new secret. Put in your description and when it should expire:
IMPORTANT: Copy the secret value at this page, once you leave this page, you cannot copy it again:
- On first usage, the script will give you a URL to paste into a browser. It will change the URL, and you must copy this back into the script for it to work. You will get a success message.
- Full instructions are also found at: https://github.com/O365/python-o365#readme
- Can be imported or copied into your own scripts
- Usage is email(emailto, emailsubject, emailbody, emailfrom='[email protected]', emailcc=None)
- Where emailto is your intended recipient
- emailsubject is the email subject
- emailbody is the body of the email
- emailfrom is the email that it's being sent from. Note that this account must be authorized.
- emailcc is the CC email address
This is a demonstration of the usage of Microsoft Graph API, as set: https://github.com/O365/python-o365
Super big thanks to https://github.com/jrmatchett for reviewing my code and help refactor it!