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masaun committed Feb 8, 2020
1 parent 199e7ee commit 668cb1e
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Showing 4 changed files with 910 additions and 710 deletions.
254 changes: 12 additions & 242 deletions contracts/NewBancorPool.sol
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Expand Up @@ -26,16 +26,14 @@ import "./storage/BnStorage.sol";
import "./storage/BnConstants.sol";

contract NewBancorPool is BnStorage, BnConstants, Managed {
contract NewBancorPool2 is BnStorage, BnConstants, Managed {

ContractRegistry public contractRegistry;
//ContractRegistryClient public contractRegistryClient;

SmartToken public smartToken;
BancorConverter public bancorConverter;
BancorConverterFactory public bancorConverterFactory;
BancorConverterRegistry public bancorConverterRegistry;
BancorConverterRegistryData public bancorConverterRegistryData;

BancorFormula public bancorFormula;

Expand All @@ -51,28 +49,21 @@ contract NewBancorPool is BnStorage, BnConstants, Managed {

address bancorConverterAddr;

address BANCOR_FORMULA; // ContractAddress of BancorFormula.sol

address _contractRegistry,
//address _contractRegistryClient,
address _BNTtokenAddr,
address _ERC20tokenAddr,
address _cDAItokenAddr,
address _smartToken,
address _bancorConverter,
//address _bancorConverterFactory,
address _bancorConverterRegistry,
address _bancorConverterRegistryData,
address _bancorFormula
// Step #1: Initial Setup
contractRegistry = ContractRegistry(_contractRegistry);
//contractRegistryClient = ContractRegistryClient(_contractRegistryClient);

contractRegistryAddr = _contractRegistry;

Expand All @@ -84,9 +75,6 @@ contract NewBancorPool is BnStorage, BnConstants, Managed {

bancorConverterAddr = _bancorConverter;

BANCOR_CONVERTER_REGISTRY_DATA = _bancorConverterRegistryData;
BANCOR_FORMULA = _bancorFormula;

token = IERC20Token(ERC20tokenAddr);

// Step #2: Smart Relay Token Deployment
Expand All @@ -113,24 +101,6 @@ contract NewBancorPool is BnStorage, BnConstants, Managed {
return bancorNetwork;

// function testFuncCallBancorConverterFactoryContractAddr() public view returns (IBancorConverterFactory) {
// address bancorConverterFactory;
// //IBancorConverterFactory bancorConverterFactory = IBancorConverterFactory(addressOf(BANCOR_CONVERTER_FACTORY));
// bancorConverterFactory = contractRegistry.addressOf('BancorConverterFactory');
// return bancorConverterFactory;
// }

function testFuncCallBancorConverterUpgraderContractAddr() public view returns (address _bancorConverterUpgrader) {
address bancorConverterUpgrader;
bancorConverterUpgrader = contractRegistry.addressOf('BancorConverterUpgrader');
return bancorConverterUpgrader;

function _addConverter() public {

Expand All @@ -157,28 +127,25 @@ contract NewBancorPool is BnStorage, BnConstants, Managed {
smartToken.transfer(receiverAddr, amountOfSmartToken);

// Step #3: Converter Deployment
//uint index = 0;
uint index = 0;
uint32 reserveRatio = 10; // The case of this, I specify 10% as percentage of ratio. (After I need to divide by 100)
//uint32 _conversionFee = 1000; // Fee: 1,000 (0.1%)

addConnector(IERC20Token(ERC20tokenAddr), reserveRatio, true);
//bancorConverter.addConnector(IERC20Token(ERC20tokenAddr), reserveRatio, true);
uint32 _conversionFee = 1000; // Fee: 1,000 (0.1%)
bancorConverter.addConnector(IERC20Token(ERC20tokenAddr), reserveRatio, true);

// Step #4: Funding & Initial Supply
uint256 fundedAmount = 100;

// Step #5: Activation
// Step #6: Multisig Ownership
address _converterAddress; // @notice - This variable is for receiving return value of createConverter() below
uint32 _maxConversionFee = 1;
// _converterAddress = bancorConverterFactory.createConverter(smartToken,
// contractRegistry,
// _maxConversionFee,
// token,
// reserveRatio);
_converterAddress = bancorConverterFactory.createConverter(smartToken,

// Step #7: Converters Registry Listing
Expand All @@ -188,204 +155,7 @@ contract NewBancorPool is BnStorage, BnConstants, Managed {

* @notice - Internal function from BancorConverter.sol
* @notice - Internal function below
uint32 private constant RATIO_RESOLUTION = 1000000;
uint64 private constant CONVERSION_FEE_RESOLUTION = 1000000;

* @dev version number
uint16 public version = 25;

IWhitelist public conversionWhitelist; // whitelist contract with list of addresses that are allowed to use the converter
IERC20Token[] public reserveTokens; // ERC20 standard token addresses (prior version 17, use 'connectorTokens' instead)

struct Reserve {
uint256 virtualBalance; // reserve virtual balance
uint32 ratio; // reserve ratio, represented in ppm, 1-1000000
bool isVirtualBalanceEnabled; // true if virtual balance is enabled, false if not
bool isSaleEnabled; // is sale of the reserve token enabled, can be set by the owner
bool isSet; // used to tell if the mapping element is defined
mapping (address => Reserve) public reserves; // reserve token addresses -> reserve data (prior version 17, use 'connectors' instead)

uint32 private totalReserveRatio = 0; // used to efficiently prevent increasing the total reserve ratio above 100%
uint32 public maxConversionFee = 0; // maximum conversion fee for the lifetime of the contract,
// represented in ppm, 0...1000000 (0 = no fee, 100 = 0.01%, 1000000 = 100%)
uint32 public conversionFee = 0; // current conversion fee, represented in ppm, 0...maxConversionFee
bool public conversionsEnabled = true; // deprecated, backward compatibility

// event Conversion(
// address indexed _fromToken,
// address indexed _toToken,
// address indexed _trader,
// uint256 _amount,
// uint256 _return,
// int256 _conversionFee
// );

event PriceDataUpdate(
address indexed _connectorToken,
uint256 _tokenSupply,
uint256 _connectorBalance,
uint32 _connectorWeight

event SmartTokenAdded(address indexed _smartToken);
event LiquidityPoolAdded(address indexed _liquidityPool);
event ConvertibleTokenAdded(address indexed _convertibleToken, address indexed _smartToken);

// validates reserve ratio
modifier validReserveRatio(uint32 _ratio) {
require(_ratio > 0 && _ratio <= RATIO_RESOLUTION);

// allows execution only on a multiple-reserve converter
modifier multipleReservesOnly {
require(reserveTokens.length > 1);

function addConnector(IERC20Token _token, uint32 _weight, bool /*_enableVirtualBalance*/) public {
addReserve(_token, _weight);

function addReserve(IERC20Token _token, uint32 _ratio)
//require(_token != token && !reserves[_token].isSet && totalReserveRatio + _ratio <= RATIO_RESOLUTION); // validate input

reserves[_token].ratio = _ratio;
reserves[_token].isVirtualBalanceEnabled = false;
reserves[_token].virtualBalance = 0;
reserves[_token].isSaleEnabled = true;
reserves[_token].isSet = true;
totalReserveRatio += _ratio;

* @dev updates the current conversion fee
* can only be called by the manager
* @param _conversionFee new conversion fee, represented in ppm
// event ConversionFeeUpdate(uint32 _prevFee, uint32 _newFee);

// function setConversionFee(uint32 _conversionFee)
// public
// ownerOrManagerOnly
// {
// require(_conversionFee >= 0 && _conversionFee <= maxConversionFee);
// emit ConversionFeeUpdate(conversionFee, _conversionFee);
// conversionFee = _conversionFee;
// }

* @dev buys the token with all reserve tokens using the same percentage
* for example, if the caller increases the supply by 10%,
* then it will cost an amount equal to 10% of each reserve token balance
* note that the function can be called only when conversions are enabled
* @param _amount amount to increase the supply by (in the smart token)
function fund(uint256 _amount)
uint256 supply = smartToken.totalSupply();
IBancorFormula formula = IBancorFormula(BANCOR_FORMULA);

// iterate through the reserve tokens and transfer a percentage equal to the ratio between _amount
// and the total supply in each reserve from the caller to the converter
IERC20Token reserveToken;
uint256 reserveBalance;
uint256 reserveAmount;
for (uint16 i = 0; i < reserveTokens.length; i++) {
reserveToken = reserveTokens[i];
reserveBalance = reserveToken.balanceOf(this);
reserveAmount = formula.calculateFundCost(supply, reserveBalance, totalReserveRatio, _amount);

Reserve storage reserve = reserves[reserveToken];

// transfer funds from the caller in the reserve token
ensureTransferFrom(reserveToken, msg.sender, this, reserveAmount);

// dispatch price data update for the smart token/reserve
emit PriceDataUpdate(reserveToken, supply + _amount, reserveBalance + reserveAmount, reserve.ratio);

// issue new funds to the caller in the smart token
smartToken.issue(msg.sender, _amount);

function ensureTransferFrom(IERC20Token _token, address _from, address _to, uint256 _amount) private {
// We must assume that functions `transfer` and `transferFrom` do not return anything,
// because not all tokens abide the requirement of the ERC20 standard to return success or failure.
// This is because in the current compiler version, the calling contract can handle more returned data than expected but not less.
// This may change in the future, so that the calling contract will revert if the size of the data is not exactly what it expects.
uint256 prevBalance = _token.balanceOf(_to);
if (_from == address(this))
INonStandardERC20(_token).transfer(_to, _amount);
INonStandardERC20(_token).transferFrom(_from, _to, _amount);
uint256 postBalance = _token.balanceOf(_to);
require(postBalance > prevBalance);

function addConverter() external {
// validate input

BancorConverterRegistryData converterRegistryData = BancorConverterRegistryData(BANCOR_CONVERTER_REGISTRY_DATA);
uint reserveTokenCount = connectorTokenCount();

// add the smart token
addSmartToken(converterRegistryData, smartTokenAddr);
if (reserveTokenCount > 1)
addLiquidityPool(converterRegistryData, smartTokenAddr);
addConvertibleToken(converterRegistryData, smartTokenAddr, smartTokenAddr);

// add all reserve tokens
for (uint i = 0; i < reserveTokenCount; i++)
addConvertibleToken(converterRegistryData, reserveTokens[i], token);

function connectorTokenCount() public view returns (uint16) {
return reserveTokenCount();

function reserveTokenCount() public view returns (uint16) {
return uint16(reserveTokens.length);

function addSmartToken(IBancorConverterRegistryData _converterRegistryData, address _smartToken) internal {
emit SmartTokenAdded(_smartToken);

function addLiquidityPool(IBancorConverterRegistryData _converterRegistryData, address _liquidityPool) internal {
emit LiquidityPoolAdded(_liquidityPool);

function addConvertibleToken(IBancorConverterRegistryData _converterRegistryData, address _convertibleToken, address _smartToken) internal {
_converterRegistryData.addConvertibleToken(_convertibleToken, _smartToken);
emit ConvertibleTokenAdded(_convertibleToken, _smartToken);

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