Plays random sections of videos for background visual noise. Great for parties.
You will need:
- Docker desktop (for Windows 10).
- VLC.
- Git Bash.
- The videos have to be locally available.
- Install docker:
- Install VLC (video player):
- Install git bash:
- Create a directory under your C drive called share and download a couple of music videos there.
- Start docker desktop and verify it's running:
docker info
- Get image and run container (pulls and starts. The videos you see inside the container ARE the files from Windows, not copies):
winpty docker run -it --name randomvideoclipgenerator_cont --volume C:\\share:/root/RandomVideos/share marq4/random_videoclip_generator_docker:latest
- Inside the container do (and follow those instructions):
cat instructions.txt
- Double-click the playlist file to open it with VLC.
- To finish with the container simply:
- To log into the container after it has been stopped do:
docker start randomvideoclipgenerator_cont
winpty docker exec -it randomvideoclipgenerator_cont bash
- To make new videos available to the container simply move them into share directory in Windows. No need to restart the container.