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markserbol edited this page Dec 26, 2014 · 3 revisions

jQuery URLive

URLive is a jquery plugin that helps you create an preview snippet of a url based on the Open Graph properties of the page, similar to a url preview in a facebook post.

The plugin works with any element that has a url content or value, even on <a> tag with href. It is lightweight and doesn't require any back-end code as data scraping is done asynchronously with AJAX using the Yahoo Query Language (YQL).


You can find the demo at

Getting Started

Include the latest jQuery library together with jquery.urlive.css and jquery.urlive.js.

After files inclusion, call urlive() function on the element with the URL you want to show the snippet preview. And pass the selector of the element that will contain the preview.

$('selector').urlive({ container: '.urlive-container' });


URLive or jQuery URLive is under MIT License. Use, reproduction, distribution, and modification of this code is subject to the terms and conditions of the MIT license, available at

Bug Reports and Improvements

If you find a bug or would like to suggest improvements, please create a new issue in the Issue Tracker and include as many details as you can.