Artificer is an admin package built on top of your models. It automatically detects all your models, tables and columns building a beautiful interface to manage your data. Help is needed.
Please don't use this package on production as it is under development.
- Plugins & widgets (making it really simple to extend and customize)
- Themes (Having a beautiful default theme)
- Automatic form field type detection
- Validation
- "Hooks" (with Laravel Events)
- Ultra configurable
- Frontend uses Laravel's blade template engine to avoid complexity
- Notifications
- Simple Login system
- Improve main theme
- Make plugins more friendly to use
- Relation fields
- Localization
- Tests
- Better assets
- Improve existing plugins
Require this package in your composer.json and run composer update:
"mascame/artificer": "dev-master"
Add the Service Provider to app/config
at the bottom of Providers:
Publish assets and config
php artisan artificer:publish
Require this dependency:
"intervention/image": "2.*"
Optional dependency for Plupload plugin:
"jildertmiedema/laravel-plupload": "dev-master"
Add a theme. Default: mascame/artificer-default-theme
Edit config files to meet your needs.