- List all of the series contained in the API using the provided pagination (infinite scroll).
- Allow users to search series by name.
- Show series details:
- Name
- Poster (placeholder in case there is none)
- Days and time during which the series airs
- Genres
- Summary
- List of episodes separated by season
- Show episodes details:
- Name
- Number
- Season
- Summary
- Image, (placeholder in case there is none)
- Allow the user to set a PIN number to secure the application (need to press each field separatelly).
- Allow the user to save a series as a favorite.
- Allow the user to delete a series from the favorites list.
- Create a people search by listing the name and image of the person.
- Show person info:
- Name
- Image
- Series they have participated in, with a link to the series details.
- On infinite list show button to scroll to top.
- Allow the user to browse their favorite series in alphabetical order, and click on one to see its details.
This app uses a number of open source projects to work properly:
- React Navigation - Allow navigation in the app (using Tab and Stack navigation)
- Axios - HTTP client for Node.JS, base client for API requests on the app.
- React Native Encrypted Storage - Library for safe encryption storage.
- React Native Render HTML - Library for translating HTML into React Elements.
- React Native Vector Icons - Library for display icons.
The app is developed on React Native 0.65.1.
Install the dependencies and start the server on an android simulator.
npm i
npm run android