Releases: manucabral/RichPresencePlus
Try not to overload the application.
Currently in the early development phase. Please take this into consideration.
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🔗from Github (10 MB) .7z file
Quick usage
Custom Presence
Here’s a summary of its features:
- Compatibility with Microsoft Store (special case Arc browser).
- Now presences auto-update when the browser is closed (#22).
- New argument for updating presences automatic every 12 seconds (dev).
Please note that there may be bugs; if so, please report them by creating an issue
What's Changed
- chore: Add pre-commit configuration file by @larayavrs in #20
- bugfix: Add compatibility for browsers installed via Microsoft Store by @larayavrs in #19
New Contributors
- @larayavrs made their first contribution in #20
Full Changelog: v0.0.9-stable...v0.1.0
Currently in the early development phase. Please take this into consideration.
🔗from Github (15 MB) .zip file
🔗from Github (10 MB) .7z file
Quick usage
Custom Presence
Here’s a summary of its features:
- Expanded compatibility: Now supports Vivaldi, Brave, and other Chromium-based browsers.
- Custom presence window: Added the ability to create custom presence profiles, allowing users to configure unique presences for different contexts. (#17)
Please note that there may be bugs; if so, please report them by creating an issue
Full Changelog: v0.0.8-stable...v0.0.9-stable
🔗from Github (15 MB) .zip file
🔗from Github (10 MB) .7z file
Currently in the early development phase. Please take this into consideration.
Quick usage
Here’s a summary of its features:
- New presence update logic
- Added required version check
- Added support for privilege-requiring paths (includes Arc browser compatibility #4)
- No need to wait 15 seconds to close the application anymore
Please note that there may be bugs; if so, please report them by creating an issue
Full Changelog: v0.0.7-stable...v0.0.8-stable
🔗from Github (15 MB) .zip file
🔗from Github (10 MB) .7z file
Currently in the early development phase. Please take this into consideration.
Quick usage
It is recommended not to rush through each functionality because the application may run in the background, as it connects to Discord, which takes some time.
Here’s a summary of its features:
- Added support for Steam rich presences.
- Introduced new "Steam" context.
Please note that there may be bugs; if so, please report them by creating an issue
Full Changelog: v0.0.6-stable...v0.0.7-stable
🔗from Github (15 MB) .zip file
🔗from Github (10 MB) .7z file
Currently in the early development phase. Please take this into consideration.
Quick usage
It is recommended not to rush through each functionality because the application may run in the background, as it connects to Discord, which takes some time.
Here’s a summary of its features:
- Fix issue where the application cannot obtain the name of the default browser (#3)
- Refactor browser connection label.
Please note that there may be bugs; if so, please report them by creating an issue
Full Changelog: v0.0.5-stable...v0.0.6-stable
🔗from Github (15 MB) .zip file
🔗from Github (10 MB) .7z file
Currently in the early development phase. Please take this into consideration.
Quick usage
It is recommended not to rush through each functionality because the application may run in the background, as it connects to Discord, which takes some time.
Here’s a summary of its features:
- Fix URL encoding.
- Fix and update presence buttons not showing.
- Add module support for presences.
Please note that there may be bugs; if so, please report them by creating an issue
Full Changelog: v0.0.4-stable...v0.0.5-stable
Rich Presence Plus
🔗from Github (15 MB) .zip file
🔗from Github (10 MB) .7z file
Currently in the early development phase. Please take this into consideration.
Quick usage
It is recommended not to rush through each functionality because the application may run in the background, as it connects to Discord, which takes some time.
Here’s a summary of its features:
- New internal module called "rpc"
- Module "pypresence" is no longer used
- Each presence can have different activities such as 'PLAYING', 'LISTENING', 'WATCHING', and 'COMPETING'
- Optimized application shutdown process
- Improved GUI speed
Please note that there may be bugs; if so, please report them by creating an issue
Full Changelog: v0.0.3-stable...v0.0.4-stable
Rich Presence Plus v0.0.3-stable
🔗from Github (15 MB) .zip file
🔗from Github (10 MB) .7z file
It is recommended not to rush through each functionality because the application may run in the background, as it connects to Discord, which takes some time.
Currently in the early development phase. Please take this into consideration.
Quick usage
The first stable version of Rich Presence Plus is now available. Here’s a summary of its features:
- Enable/disable presences.
- Download and delete presences.
- Open or close the browser (for now, the system detects the default browser).
- Connect to the browser dynamically.
Please note that there may be bugs; if so, please report them by creating an issue
Full Changelog: