Syntheyes Utils is a collection of scripts (sizzle/python) that I developed to improve my day to day matchmoving using Syntheyes.
Align Pivot - align mesh pivot into ZYX axis or move it to any 3D world coordinates
Copy_paste_3D_POS - copy a solved 3D tracker position, paste into Seed and Lock to another tracker
Nudge - keyboard shortcuts to nudge trackers, increase/decrease search area, increase/decrease key/key smooth, copy previous/next frame positions.
Python - mb_zoom_active_tracker_host - Zoom quad views to camera path or any 3d selected object(s)/tracker(s)
change tracker color - change tracker colors with a shortcut
** hide meshes ** - creates a keyboard shortcut to show/hide selected meshes
** Auto World Size ** - adjusts world size to the farthest tracker.
Most of the time... just drop scripts inside your user script folder. (Syntheyes Menu > Script > User script folder)
If you want scripts for Syntheyes I would love to help (Python/Sizzle automations)
If you want to thank or sponsor the project:
btc 3D1AFabS93fYeyH2NDjzo37GSRhd9DVfWa
ltc LTT8Gj8nnwBCEGAcapjfLy9EyZtiu6Ntqh