Inspect and alter your leveldb records with the command line.
Similar to lev
npm i -g level-cli
Usage: lev [command] [options]
Commands: Alias:
keys k
values v
list l
get <key> g
put <key> <value> p
del <key> d
-V, --version output the version number
-p, --path <path> Path to leveldb (default: . )
-n, --limit <limit> Stop reading after "limit" entries
-f, --from <from> Read records starting at "from"
-t, --to <to> Read records until "to"
-r, --reverse Reverse order
-k, --keyEncoding <encoding> key encoding [utf8, ascii, json, hex] (default: utf8)
-v, --valueEncoding <encoding> value encoding [utf8, ascii, json, hex] (default: utf8)
-h, --help output usage information
lev keys -n 10
Some shells treat the !
symbol specifically.
Thus, if you encounter sth. like that:
lev put a!foo bar
=> -bash: !foo: event not found
It means you're using history substitution
which you can turn off / on using set +H
/ set -H