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Formattag. Error log::add
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jpty authored Oct 12, 2024
1 parent 74e2b43 commit ae5833c
Showing 1 changed file with 84 additions and 93 deletions.
177 changes: 84 additions & 93 deletions core/class/heliotrope.class.php
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -56,20 +56,19 @@ public function postUpdate() {
else $h1 = $array['elevationHeight'];
if (!isset($array['azimuthSize'])) $s1 = 0;
else $s1 = $array['azimuthSize'];
if ($w1==0 && $h1==0 && $s1==0) {
if ($w1 == 0 && $h1 == 0 && $s1 == 0) {
$name = $this->getName();
$w = intval($this->getDisplay('width'));
$h = intval($this->getDisplay('height'));
log::add(__CLASS__, 'debug',__FUNCTION__ . " [$name] W=$w H=$h\nW1=$w1 H1=$h1 S1=$s1");
log::add(__CLASS__, 'debug', __FUNCTION__ . " [$name] W=$w H=$h\nW1=$w1 H1=$h1 S1=$s1");
if ($h > 400) { // alt on azt
$s1 = 120; $w1 = $w; $h1 = $h -120 - 30;
else { // azt to the right of alt
} else { // azt to the right of alt
$s1 = 100; $w1 = $w - 110; $h1 = $h - 30;
if ($w1< 100) $w1=250;
if ($h1< 100) $h1=200;
log::add(__CLASS__, 'debug',"New display W=$w1 H=$h1 S=$s1");
if ($w1 < 100) $w1 = 250;
if ($h1 < 100) $h1 = 200;
log::add(__CLASS__, 'debug', "New display W=$w1 H=$h1 S=$s1");
$array['elevationWidth'] = $w1;
$array['elevationHeight'] = $h1;
$array['azimuthSize'] = $s1;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -314,7 +313,7 @@ public static function absoluteToRelativeDeg($t, $rightAscensionDeg, $declinatio
return array(rad2deg($azimuthRad), rad2deg($altitudeRad));

public function getLatitudeLongitude(&$latitude,&$longitude) {
public function getLatitudeLongitude(&$latitude, &$longitude) {
if ($this->getConfiguration('geoloc') == 'jeedom') {
$latitude = config::byKey('info::latitude');
$longitude = config::byKey('info::longitude');
Expand All @@ -336,9 +335,8 @@ public function getLatitudeLongitude(&$latitude,&$longitude) {
public function getInformations() {
if ($this->getLatitudeLongitude($latitude, $longitude)) {
log::add(__CLASS__, 'error', __FUNCTION__ ." Latitude et longitude non connues.");
else {
} else {
log::add(__CLASS__, 'debug', __FUNCTION__ ." Latitude: $latitude Longitude: $longitude");

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -374,29 +372,29 @@ public function getInformations() {
else return;
$actual = date('Hi');
if ($actual > $sunrise && $actual < $sunset) {
$status = 1;
$texte = "Jour";
$status = 1;
$texte = "Jour";
} elseif ($actual > $aubeciv && $actual <= $sunrise) {
$status = 2;
$texte = "Aube Civile";
$status = 2;
$texte = "Aube Civile";
} elseif ($actual > $aubenau && $actual <= $aubeciv) {
$status = 3;
$texte = "Aube Nautique";
$status = 3;
$texte = "Aube Nautique";
} elseif ($actual > $aubeast && $actual <= $aubenau) {
$status = 4;
$texte = "Aube Astronomique";
$status = 4;
$texte = "Aube Astronomique";
} elseif ($actual >= $sunset && $actual < $crepciv) {
$status = 5;
$texte = "Crépuscule Civil";
$status = 5;
$texte = "Crépuscule Civil";
} elseif ($actual >= $crepciv && $actual < $crepnau) {
$status = 6;
$texte = "Crépuscule Nautique";
$status = 6;
$texte = "Crépuscule Nautique";
} elseif ($actual >= $crepnau && $actual < $crepast) {
$status = 7;
$texte = "Crépuscule Astronomique";
$status = 7;
$texte = "Crépuscule Astronomique";
} else {
$status = 0;
$texte = "Nuit";
$status = 0;
$texte = "Nuit";
$this->checkAndUpdateCmd('daystatus', $status);
$this->checkAndUpdateCmd('daytext', $texte);
Expand All @@ -408,26 +406,23 @@ public function getInformations() {
public function getDaily() {
if ($this->getLatitudeLongitude($latitude, $longitude)) {
log::add(__CLASS__, 'error', __FUNCTION__ ." Latitude et longitude non connues.");
else {
} else {
log::add(__CLASS__, 'debug', __FUNCTION__ ." Latitude: $latitude Longitude: $longitude");

// Calcul lever, coucher, durée jour
$sun_info = date_sun_info(time(), $latitude, $longitude);
$sunrise = date('Gi', $sun_info['sunrise']);
$this->checkAndUpdateCmd('sunrise', $sunrise);
if ($sun_info['sunrise'] === true ) { // jour toute la journée
$daylen =24*60;
log::add(__CLASS__, 'debug', __FUNCTION__,"Lat: $latitude Sunrise True");
else if ($sun_info['sunrise'] === false ) { // nuit toute la journée
$daylen =0;
log::add(__CLASS__, 'debug', __FUNCTION__,"Lat: $latitude Sunrise False");
else {
$daylen = round(($sun_info['sunset'] - $sun_info['sunrise'])/60);
if ($sun_info['sunrise'] === true) { // jour toute la journée
$daylen = 24 * 60;
log::add(__CLASS__, 'debug', __FUNCTION__, "Lat: $latitude Sunrise True");
} else if ($sun_info['sunrise'] === false) { // nuit toute la journée
$daylen = 0;
log::add(__CLASS__, 'debug', __FUNCTION__ ." Lat: $latitude Sunrise False");
} else {
$daylen = round(($sun_info['sunset'] - $sun_info['sunrise']) / 60);
$this->checkAndUpdateCmd('daylen', $daylen);
$zenith = date("Gi", $sun_info['transit']);
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -456,7 +451,7 @@ public function getGeoloc($_infos = '') {
foreach (eqLogic::byType('geoloc') as $geoloc) {
foreach (geolocCmd::byEqLogicId($geoloc->getId()) as $geoinfo) {
if ($geoinfo->getConfiguration('mode') == 'fixe' || $geoinfo->getConfiguration('mode') == 'dynamic') {
$return[$geoinfo->getId()] = array( 'value' => $geoinfo->getName());
$return[$geoinfo->getId()] = array('value' => $geoinfo->getName());
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -498,8 +493,7 @@ public function toHtml($_version = 'dashboard') {
if ($this->getLatitudeLongitude($latitude, $longitude)) {
log::add(__CLASS__, 'warning', __FUNCTION__ ." Latitude et longitude non connues.");
else {
} else {
log::add(__CLASS__, 'debug', __FUNCTION__ ." Latitude: $latitude Longitude: $longitude");

Expand All @@ -511,15 +505,15 @@ public function toHtml($_version = 'dashboard') {
$display[$type_cmd] = ($cmd->getIsVisible()) ? "visible" : "none";
$history[$type_cmd] = ($cmd->getIsHistorized() == 1) ? 'history cursor' : '';
if (!isset($replace['#elevationWidth#'])) $replace['#elevationWidth#']=320;
if (!isset($replace['#elevationHeight#'])) $replace['#elevationHeight#']=220;
if (!isset($replace['#azimuthSize#'])) $replace['#azimuthSize#']=120;
if (!isset($replace['#elevationWidth#'])) $replace['#elevationWidth#'] = 320;
if (!isset($replace['#elevationHeight#'])) $replace['#elevationHeight#'] = 220;
if (!isset($replace['#azimuthSize#'])) $replace['#azimuthSize#'] = 120;

// latitude longitude dans le titre de la tuile
$lat = round($latitude,1);
$replace['#latitude#'] = $lat .(($lat>=0)? "°N" : "°S");
$lon = round($longitude,1);
$replace['#longitude#'] = $lon .(($lon>=0)? "°E" : "°W");
$lat = round($latitude, 1);
$replace['#latitude#'] = $lat .(($lat >= 0) ? "°N" : "°S");
$lon = round($longitude, 1);
$replace['#longitude#'] = $lon .(($lon >= 0) ? "°E" : "°W");
Format voir:
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -549,7 +543,7 @@ public function toHtml($_version = 'dashboard') {
else {
$valueDaylen = isset($value['daylen'])? intval($value['daylen']) : 0;
$h = floor($valueDaylen / 60); $mn = $valueDaylen % 60;
$daylen = (($h)? "{$h}h " : '') .(($mn)? "{$mn}min " : '');
$daylen = (($h) ? "{$h}h " : '') .(($mn)? "{$mn}min " : '');
// Calcul variation durée jour
$sunInfo = date_sun_info(strtotime('today noon'), $latitude, $longitude);
$sunInfoHier = date_sun_info(strtotime('yesterday noon'), $latitude, $longitude);
Expand All @@ -563,18 +557,18 @@ public function toHtml($_version = 'dashboard') {

$replace['#collectDate#'] = $this->getStatus('lastCommunication', date('Y-m-d H:i:s'));

$inclin = 23+26/60;
$inclin = 23 + 26 / 60;
$replace['#paneStart#'] = -180; // -180-$inclin+$latitude;
$replace['#paneEnd#'] = 0; // $inclin-$latitude;
// log::add(__CLASS__, 'error',"AltMinYear: ". $replace['#paneStart#']." AltMaxYear: ". $replace['#paneEnd#']);
$minElev = max(-90-$inclin+$latitude,90);
$minElev = max(-90 -$inclin +$latitude, 90);
if ($minElev < -90) $minElev += 360;
if ($minElev > 90) $minElev -= 360;

$replace['#minElev#'] = round(max(-90-$inclin+$latitude,-90),2);
$replace['#maxElev#'] = round(min(90+$inclin-$latitude,90),2);
$replace['#minElev#'] = round(max(-90 -$inclin +$latitude, -90), 2);
$replace['#maxElev#'] = round(min(90 +$inclin -$latitude, 90), 2);

if (array_key_exists('daystatus', $value) && $value['daystatus']=="1") {
if (array_key_exists('daystatus', $value) && $value['daystatus'] == "1") {
$replace['#heliosun#'] = "opacity : 1";
$replace['#heliomoon#'] = "opacity : 0.3";
} else {
Expand All @@ -588,28 +582,28 @@ public function toHtml($_version = 'dashboard') {
$now = time();
// $date = strtotime('2022-06-21 00:00:00'); $now = strtotime('2022-06-21 12:00:00');
// message::add(__CLASS__, "Sunrise: " .date('H:i:s', $sunrise) ." Zenith: " .date('H:i:s', $transit) ." Sunset: " .date('H:i:s', $sunset));
for($i=0;$i<49;$i++) {
$t = $date+$i*1800;
for ($i = 0; $i < 49; $i++) {
$t = $date +$i * 1800;
self::getAltAzt($t, $latitude, $longitude, $alt, $azt);
$msg = '{ "x":' .$t*1000 .',"y": ' .$alt .',"z":' .$azt .',"msg":"'.date('G:i', $t) .'"}';
$msg = '{ "x":' .$t * 1000 .',"y": ' .$alt .',"z":' .$azt .',"msg":"' .date('G:i', $t) .'"}';
if ($t < $now) $serie[] = $msg;
else $serie2[] = $msg;
// Ajout Lever, Zenith, Coucher ... sur la courbe
$types = array();
$types[] = array("sunI" => 'sunrise', "txtDsp" => 'Lever', "cmdJ"=>'sunrise');
$types[] = array("sunI" => 'transit', "txtDsp" => 'Zénith', "cmdJ"=>'zenith');
$types[] = array("sunI" => 'sunset', "txtDsp" => 'Coucher', "cmdJ"=>'sunset');
$types[] = array("sunI" => 'civil_twilight_begin', "txtDsp" => 'Aube', "cmdJ"=>'aubeciv');
$types[] = array("sunI" => 'nautical_twilight_begin', "txtDsp" => 'Début aube nautique', "cmdJ"=>'aubenau');
$types[] = array("sunI" => 'astronomical_twilight_begin', "txtDsp" => 'Début aube astronomique', "cmdJ"=>'aubeast');
$types[] = array("sunI" => 'civil_twilight_end', "txtDsp" => 'Crépuscule', "cmdJ"=>'crepciv');
$types[] = array("sunI" => 'nautical_twilight_end', "txtDsp" => 'Fin crépuscule nautique', "cmdJ"=>'crepnau');
$types[] = array("sunI" => 'astronomical_twilight_end', "txtDsp" => 'Fin crépuscule astronomique', "cmdJ"=>'crepast');
$types[] = array("sunI" => 'sunrise', "txtDsp" => 'Lever', "cmdJ" => 'sunrise');
$types[] = array("sunI" => 'transit', "txtDsp" => 'Zénith', "cmdJ" => 'zenith');
$types[] = array("sunI" => 'sunset', "txtDsp" => 'Coucher', "cmdJ" => 'sunset');
$types[] = array("sunI" => 'civil_twilight_begin', "txtDsp" => 'Aube', "cmdJ" => 'aubeciv');
$types[] = array("sunI" => 'nautical_twilight_begin', "txtDsp" => 'Début aube nautique', "cmdJ" => 'aubenau');
$types[] = array("sunI" => 'astronomical_twilight_begin', "txtDsp" => 'Début aube astronomique', "cmdJ" => 'aubeast');
$types[] = array("sunI" => 'civil_twilight_end', "txtDsp" => 'Crépuscule', "cmdJ" => 'crepciv');
$types[] = array("sunI" => 'nautical_twilight_end', "txtDsp" => 'Fin crépuscule nautique', "cmdJ" => 'crepnau');
$types[] = array("sunI" => 'astronomical_twilight_end', "txtDsp" => 'Fin crépuscule astronomique', "cmdJ" => 'crepast');
$sun_info = date_sun_info($now, $latitude, $longitude);
$nb = count($types);
$sunriseTxt = ''; $sunsetTxt = ''; $zenithTxt = '';
for($i=0;$i<$nb;$i++) {
for ($i = 0; $i < $nb; $i++) {
$type = $types[$i]['sunI'];
$t = $sun_info[$type];
if ($t === true || $t === false) continue; // Valeur non atteinte de la journee
Expand All @@ -618,39 +612,37 @@ public function toHtml($_version = 'dashboard') {
if ($type == 'sunrise') {
$aztsunrise = $azt;
if ($display[$types[$i]['cmdJ']] != "none")
$sunriseTxt = $texte .': '.date('G:i:s', $t) .'<br/>';
else if ($type == 'sunset') {
$sunriseTxt = $texte .': ' .date('G:i:s', $t) .'<br/>';
} else if ($type == 'sunset') {
$aztsunset = $azt;
if ($display[$types[$i]['cmdJ']] != "none")
$sunsetTxt = $texte .': '.date('G:i:s', $t) .'<br/>';
else if ($type == 'transit') {
$sunsetTxt = $texte .': ' .date('G:i:s', $t) .'<br/>';
} else if ($type == 'transit') {
if ($display[$types[$i]['cmdJ']] != "none")
$zenithTxt = $texte .': '.date('G:i:s', $t) .'<br/>';
$zenithTxt = $texte .': ' .date('G:i:s', $t) .'<br/>';
// if ($display[$types[$i]['cmdJ']] == "none") continue;
$msg = '{ "x":' .$t*1000 .',"y":'.$alt .',"z":' .$azt .',"id":"'.$type.'","msg":"' .$texte .': '.date('G:i:s', $t) .'"}';
if ($t > $now) $serie2[] = $msg; else $serie[] = $msg;
$msg = '{ "x":' .$t*1000 .',"y":' .$alt .',"z":' .$azt .',"id":"' .$type .'","msg":"' .$texte .': ' .date('G:i:s', $t) .'"}';
if ($t > $now) $serie2[] = $msg;
else $serie[] = $msg;
if ( $sun_info['sunrise'] === true ) { // jour toute la journée
if ($sun_info['sunrise'] === true) { // jour toute la journée
$aztsunrise = 0; $aztsunset = 360;
else if ( $sun_info['sunrise'] === false ) { // nuit toute la journée
} else if ($sun_info['sunrise'] === false) { // nuit toute la journée
$aztsunrise = 180; $aztsunset = 180;
$replace['#sunriseTxt#'] = $sunriseTxt;
$replace['#sunsetTxt#'] = $sunsetTxt;
$replace['#zenithTxt#'] = $zenithTxt;
$replace['#aztsunrise#'] = round($aztsunrise,3);
$replace['#aztsunrise#'] = round($aztsunrise, 3);
if ($aztsunset < $aztsunrise) $aztsunset += 360;
$replace['#aztsunset#'] = round($aztsunset,3);
log::add(__CLASS__, 'debug',"AztSunrise: $aztsunrise AztSunset: $aztsunset");
$replace['#aztsunset#'] = round($aztsunset, 3);
log::add(__CLASS__, 'debug', "AztSunrise: $aztsunrise AztSunset: $aztsunset");

// Heure actuelle dans les 2 courbes
self::getAltAzt($now, $latitude, $longitude, $alt, $azt);
$msg = '{ "x":' .$now*1000 .',"y":'.$alt .',"z":' .$azt .',"msg":"Maintenant '.date('G:i', $now) .'"}';
$msg2 = '{ "x":' .$now*1000 .',"y":'.$alt .',"marker": { "symbol": \'url(plugins/'.__CLASS__ .'/core/template/sun.png)\'},"z":' .$azt .',"msg":"Maintenant '.date('G:i', $now) .'"}';
$msg = '{ "x":' .$now * 1000 .',"y":' .$alt .',"z":' .$azt .',"msg":"Maintenant ' .date('G:i', $now) .'"}';
$msg2 = '{ "x":' .$now * 1000 .',"y":' .$alt .',"marker": { "symbol": \'url(plugins/' .__CLASS__ .'/core/template/sun.png)\'},"z":' .$azt .',"msg":"Maintenant ' .date('G:i', $now) .'"}';
$serie[] = $msg; $serie2[] = $msg2;
sort($serie); sort($serie2);
$replace['#altSerie#'] = implode(',', $serie);
Expand All @@ -660,8 +652,7 @@ public function toHtml($_version = 'dashboard') {
if ($latitude > 0) {
$replace['#bandColor1#'] = '#3C73A5';
$replace['#bandColor2#'] = '#8EBEEB';
else {
} else {
$replace['#bandColor1#'] = 'transparent';
$replace['#bandColor2#'] = 'transparent';
Expand All @@ -670,18 +661,18 @@ public function toHtml($_version = 'dashboard') {
$replace['#refresh#'] = is_object($refresh) ? $refresh->getId() : '';

$t1 = microtime(true);
$duration = round($t1-$t0,3);
log::add(__CLASS__, 'debug', "END OF toHtml Duration: {$duration}s. Memory_usage: ".memory_get_usage());
$duration = round($t1 - $t0, 3);
log::add(__CLASS__, 'debug', "END OF toHtml Duration: {$duration}s. Memory_usage: " .memory_get_usage());
if (file_exists(__DIR__ . "/../template/$_version/custom." .__CLASS__ .".html"))
return $this->postToHtml($_version, template_replace($replace, getTemplate('core', $version, 'custom.'.__CLASS__, __CLASS__)));
return $this->postToHtml($_version, template_replace($replace, getTemplate('core', $version, 'custom.' .__CLASS__, __CLASS__)));
return $this->postToHtml($_version, template_replace($replace, getTemplate('core', $version, __CLASS__, __CLASS__)));

public static function getAltAzt($time, $lat, $lon, &$alt, &$azt) {
list($ra, $dec)=self::sunAbsolutePositionDeg($time);
list($ra, $dec) = self::sunAbsolutePositionDeg($time);
list($az, $alt) = self::absoluteToRelativeDeg($time, $ra, $dec, $lat, $lon);
$alt = $alt +self::correctForRefraction($alt);
if (0 > $az) $az += 360;
$azt = $az;
Expand Down

0 comments on commit ae5833c

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