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immudb is a lightweight, high-speed immutable database for systems and applications


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immudb is not a blockchain, immudb is the lightweight, high-speed immutable database with built-in cryptographic proof and verification. With immudb you can track changes in sensitive data in your transactional databases and then record those changes permanently in a tamperproof immudb database. This allows you to keep an indelible history of sensitive data, for example debit/credit card transactions.

Traditional DB transactions and logs are hard to scale and are mutable. So there is no way to know for sure if your data has been compromised.

As such, immudb provides unparalleled insights retroactively of changes to your sensitive data, even if your perimeter has been compromised. immudb guarantees immutability by using cryptographic data structures internally.

immudb gives you the same cryptographic verification of the integrity of data written with SHA-256 like a classic blockchain without the cost and complexity associated with blockchains today.

immudb has 4 main benefits:

  1. immudb is immutable. You can add records, but never change or delete records.
  2. Data stored in immudb is cryptographically coherent and verifiable, like blockchains, just without all the complexity and at high speed.
  3. Anyone can get started with immudb in minutes. Whether you're using node.js, Java, Python, Go, .Net, or any other language. It's very easy to use and you can have your immutable database running in just a few minutes.
  4. Finally, immudb is Open Source. You can run it on premise, or in the cloud. It's completely free. immudb is governed by the Apache 2.0 License.

immudb can be ran on Linux, FreeBSD, Windows, and MacOS, along with other systems derived from them, such as Kubernetes and Docker.

Designed for maximum performance

  • 4 CPU cores
  • Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E3-1275 v6 @ 3.80GHz
  • 64 GB memory
  • SSD

sequential write

Concurrency: 128
Iterations: 1000000
Elapsed t.: 3.06 sec
Throughput: 326626 tx/sec

batch write (async commit)

Concurrency: 16
Iterations: 1000000
Elapsed t.: 0.36 sec
Throughput: 2772181 tx/sec

immudb High-level

immudb Highlevel

Tweet about immudb!


  1. Quickstart - Get immudb up and running in seconds
  2. Using immudb - Official SDKs and REST-based client
  3. CLI tools - Using immuadmin and immuclient
  4. News - The latest news about immudb
  5. Tech specs - Technical details of the system in a nutshell
  6. Real world examples - Read about how others use immudb
  7. Multiple databases - Multiple databases
  8. Documentation - Read the documentation
  9. Community - Discuss immudb with others and get support
  10. License - Check immudb's licencing


Getting immudb up and running is quite simple. Choose any of following options:

  1. Running immudb in Docker
  2. Download immudb release binary
  3. Build immudb by yourself
  4. Running as a service

Running immudb in Docker

  1. Pull immudb Docker Image from Docker Hub:
docker pull codenotary/immudb:latest
  1. Run immudb in a container:
docker run -it -d -p 3322:3322 -p 9497:9497 --name immudb codenotary/immudb:latest

immudb should be up and running, you can check the container logs:

docker logs immudb

Download immudb release binary

Download latest release binaries from here. Then just run immudb as follows:

# run immudb in the foreground

# run immudb in the background
./immudb -d

To stop immudb in that case you need to find the process ps -ax | grep immudb and then kill -15 <pid>. Windows PowerShell would be Get-Process immudb* | Stop-Process.

Using non-default configuration:

immudb - the lightweight, high-speed immutable database for systems and applications.
Environment variables:
  immudb [flags]
  immudb [command]

Available Commands:
  help        Help about any command
  version     Show the immudb version

  -a, --address string          bind address (default "")
      --admin-password string   admin password (default is 'immudb') as plain-text or base64 encoded (must be prefixed with 'enc:' if it is encoded) (default "immudb")
  -s, --auth                    enable auth
      --certificate string      server certificate file path (default "./tools/mtls/3_application/certs/localhost.cert.pem")
      --clientcas string        clients certificates list. Aka certificate authority (default "./tools/mtls/2_intermediate/certs/ca-chain.cert.pem")
      --config string           config file (default path are configs or $HOME. Default filename is immudb.toml)
      --consistency-check       enable consistency check monitor routine. To disable: --consistency-check=false (default true)
  -d, --detached                run immudb in background
      --devmode                 enable dev mode: accept remote connections without auth
      --dir string              data folder (default "./data")
      --max-recv-msg-size       max message size in bytes the server can receive
  -h, --help                    help for immudb
      --logfile string          log path with filename. E.g. /tmp/immudb/immudb.log
      --maintenance             override the authentication flag
  -m, --mtls                    enable mutual tls
      --no-histograms           disable collection of histogram metrics like query durations
      --pidfile string          pid path with filename. E.g. /var/run/
      --pkey string             server private key path (default "./tools/mtls/3_application/private/localhost.key.pem")
  -p, --port int                port number (default 3322)
      --signingKey string       signature private key path. If a valid one is provided, it enables the cryptographic signature of the root. E.g. "./../test/signer/ec3.key"

Use "immudb [command] --help" for more information about a command.

Build the binaries yourself

To build the binaries yourself, simply clone this repo and run

make all
Linux (by component)
GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64 make immuclient-static immuadmin-static immudb-static
MacOS (by component)
GOOS=darwin GOARCH=amd64 make immuclient-static immuadmin-static immudb-static
Windows (by component)
GOOS=windows GOARCH=amd64 make immuclient-static immuadmin-static immudb-static
Freebsd (by component)
GOOS=freebsd GOARCH=amd64 make immuclient-static immuadmin-static immudb-static

If you want to build the container images yourself, simply clone this repo and run

docker build -t myown/immudb:latest -f Dockerfile .

And then run immudb as described when pulling official immudb Docker image.

Run immudb as a service

Service installation and management are supported on Linux, Windows, OSX and FreeBSD operating systems.

# install immudb service
sudo ./immudb service install

# uninstall immudb service
sudo ./immudb service uninstall

# check current immudb service status
sudo ./immudb service  status

# stop immudb service
sudo ./immudb service  stop

# start immudb service
sudo ./immudb service start

The linux service is using the following defaults:

File or configuration location
executable /usr/sbin/immudb
configuration file /etc/immudb/immudb.toml
all data files /var/lib/immudb
pid file /var/lib/immudb/
log file /var/log/immudb/immudb.log

The FreeBSD service is using the following defaults:

File or configuration location
executable /usr/sbin/immudb
configuration file /etc/immudb/immudb.toml
all data files /var/lib/immudb
pid file /var/lib/immudb/
log file /var/log/immudb/immudb.log

The Windows service is using the following defaults:

File or configuration location
executable Program Files\Immudb\immudb.exe
configuration file ProgramData\Immudb\config\immudb.toml
all data files ProgramData\Immudb\
pid file ProgramData\Immudb\config\
log file ProgramData\Immudb\config\immudb.log

Using immudb

Integrate immudb into your application using official SDKs already available for the following programming languages:

  1. Java immudb4j
  2. Golang immudb-go
  3. .net immudb4dotnet
  4. Python immudb-py
  5. Node.js immudb-node

We've developed a "language-agnostic SDK" which exposes a REST API for easy consumption by any application. immugw may be convenient tool when SDKs are not available for the programming language you're using, for experimentation, or just because you prefer your app only uses REST endpoints.

For a super quick start, please follow step by step guides for each SDK or pick a basic running sample from immudb-client-examples. Otherwise, you can use the immudb CLI tools described below.

CLI tools

  • immuclient is the CLI client for immudb. You can read, write data into immudb from the commandline using direct or interactive mode.
  • immuadmin is the admin CLI for immudb. You can manage immudb and get statistics as well as runtime information.

The latest release binaries can be found here


Simply run ./immuclient on the same machine or ./immuclient -a <immudb-host>

CLI client for immudb - the lightweight, high-speed immutable database for systems and applications.
Environment variables:

IMPORTANT: All get and safeget functions return base64-encoded keys and values, while all set and safeset functions expect base64-encoded inputs.

  immuclient [flags]
  immuclient [command]

Available Commands:
  audit-mode        Starts immuclient as daemon in auditor mode. Run 'immuclient audit-mode help' or use -h flag for details
  check-consistency Check consistency for the specified index and hash
  count             Count keys having the specified value
  current           Return the last merkle tree root and index stored locally
  get               Get item having the specified key
  getByIndex        Return an element by index
  getRawBySafeIndex Return an element by index
  help              Help about any command
  history           Fetch history for the item having the specified key
  inclusion         Check if specified index is included in the current tree
  iscan             Iterate over all elements by insertion order
  it                Starts immuclient in CLI mode. Use 'help' or -h flag on the shell for details
  login             Login using the specified username and password
  rawsafeget        Get item having the specified key, without parsing structured values
  rawsafeset        Set a value for the item having the specified key, without setup structured values
  reference         Add new reference to an existing key
  safeget           Get and verify item having the specified key
  safereference     Add and verify new reference to an existing key
  safeset           Add and verify new item having the specified key and value
  safezadd          Add and verify new key with score to a new or existing sorted set
  scan              Iterate over keys having the specified prefix
  set               Add new item having the specified key and value
  status            Ping to check if server connection is alive
  use               Select database
  version           Show the immuclient version
  zadd              Add new key with score to a new or existing sorted set
  zscan             Iterate over a sorted set

      --audit-password string    immudb password used to login during audit; can be plain-text or base64 encoded (must be prefixed with 'enc:' if it is encoded)
      --audit-signature string   audit signature mode. ignore|validate. If 'ignore' is set auditor doesn't check for the root server signature. If 'validate' is set auditor verify that the root is signed properly by immudb server. Default value is 'ignore'
      --audit-username string    immudb username used to login during audit
      --certificate string       server certificate file path (default "./tools/mtls/4_client/certs/localhost.cert.pem")
      --clientcas string         clients certificates list. Aka certificate authority (default "./tools/mtls/2_intermediate/certs/ca-chain.cert.pem")
      --config string            config file (default path are configs or $HOME. Default filename is immuclient.toml)
      --dir string               Main directory for audit process tool to initialize (default "/tmp")
      --max-recv-msg-size        max message size in bytes the client can receive
  -h, --help                     help for immuclient
  -a, --immudb-address string    immudb host address (default "")
  -p, --immudb-port int          immudb port number (default 3322)
  -m, --mtls                     enable mutual tls
      --pkey string              server private key path (default "./tools/mtls/4_client/private/localhost.key.pem")
      --prometheus-host string   Launch host of the Prometheus exporter. (default "")
      --prometheus-port string   Launch port of the Prometheus exporter. (default "9477")
      --roots-filepath string    Filepath for storing root hashes after every successful audit loop. Default is tempdir of every OS. (default "/tmp/")
      --servername string        used to verify the hostname on the returned certificates (default "localhost")
      --tokenfile string         authentication token file (default path is $HOME or binary location; default filename is token) (default "token")
      --value-only               returning only values for get operations

Use "immuclient [command] --help" for more information about a command.


For security reasons we recommend using immuadmin only on the same system as immudb. User management is restricted to localhost usage. Simply run ./immuadmin on the same machine.

CLI admin client for immudb - the lightweight, high-speed immutable database for systems and applications.

Environment variables:

  immuadmin [command]

Available Commands:
  backup      Make a copy of the database files and folders
  database    Issue all database commands
  dump        Dump database content to a file
  help        Help about any command
  login       Login using the specified username and password (admin username is immudb)
  print       Print merkle tree
  restore     Restore the database from a snapshot archive or folder
  set         Update server config items: auth (none|password|cryptosig), mtls (true|false)
  stats       Show statistics as text or visually with the '-v' option. Run 'immuadmin stats -h' for details.
  status      Show heartbeat status
  user        Issue all user commands
  version     Show the immuadmin version

      --certificate string      server certificate file path (default "./tools/mtls/4_client/certs/localhost.cert.pem")
      --clientcas string        clients certificates list. Aka certificate authority (default "./tools/mtls/2_intermediate/certs/ca-chain.cert.pem")
      --config string           config file (default path is configs or $HOME; default filename is immuadmin.toml)
  -h, --help                    help for immuadmin
  -a, --immudb-address string   immudb host address (default "")
  -p, --immudb-port int         immudb port number (default 3322)
  -m, --mtls                    enable mutual tls
      --pkey string             server private key path (default "./tools/mtls/4_client/private/localhost.key.pem")
      --servername string       used to verify the hostname on the returned certificates (default "localhost")
      --tokenfile string        authentication token file (default path is $HOME or binary location; the supplied value will be automatically suffixed with _admin; default filename is token_admin) (default "token")

Use "immuadmin [command] --help" for more information about a command.


All cli components are also available as docker images on

Component Container image

Run immuadmin

You can either find immuadmin in the immudb container (/usr/local/bin/immuadmin) or run the docker container to connect to the local immudb.

docker run -it --rm --name immuadmin codenotary/immuadmin:latest status

Run immuclient

You can either find immuclient in the immudb container (/usr/local/bin/immuclient) or run the docker container to connect to the local or remote immudb.

docker run -it --rm --name immuclient codenotary/immuclient:latest -a <immudb-host>

Build the container images yourself

If you want to build the container images yourself, simply clone this repo and run

docker build -t myown/immuadmin:latest -f Dockerfile.immuadmin .
docker build -t myown/immuclient:latest -f Dockerfile.immuclient .


January 8th, 2021 - immudb v0.9.0 released!

Release v0.9.0 first release with our newly designed storage layer, super fast cryptographic data-structured!

December 29th, 2020 - immudb v0.9.0-RC2 released!

Release v0.9.0-RC2 is 7 times faster data writes than the former version 0.8.0 and instant cryptographic proof!

December 22th, 2020 - immudb v0.9.0-RC1 released!

Release v0.9.0-RC1 integrates our new embeddable cryptographic-proof storage engine!

September 15th, 2020 - immudb v0.8.0 released!

Release v0.8.0 Multi-key insertion, crypto signature, immugw moved to a separate repository, bug fixes & enhancements

August 21th, 2020 - Updated and New SDKs!

SDKs for Java, Golang, .net, Python and Node are fully compatible with latest immudb release v0.8.0:

  1. immudb4j immudb4j
  2. Golang immudb-go
  3. .net immudb4dotnet
  4. Python immudb-py
  5. Node.js immudb-node

August 20th, 2020 - immudb4j v0.1.7 in GitHub Packages!

immudb4j v0.1.7 Token-based authentication, multi-database and transactional support. Compatible with latest immudb release v0.7.1

August 17th, 2020 - immudb v0.7.1 released!

Release v0.7.1 Bug Fixes & Enhancements

August 10th, 2020 - immudb v0.7.0 released!

Release v0.7.0 multi-database support, more resilience, even better performance, improved documentation

June 16th, 2020 - immudb v0.6.2 released!

Release v0.6.2 ringbuffer management fix, improved user management for automatic deployment, improved container support

June 9th, 2020 - immudb v0.6.1 released!

Release v0.6.1 fixes some important bugs and has many improvements - we recommend updating to it

May 28, 2020 - immudb v0.6.0 GA released!

We're thrilled to announce our GA Release v0.6.0 that contains many improvements, bug fixes and new audit features.

May 19, 2020 - immudb v0.6.0-rc2 released!

Release v0.6.0-rc2 is our second public release and contains an all new immuclient CLI as well as a built-in Trust Checker that does a server based continous consistency check.

May 11, 2020 - immudb v0.6.0-rc1 released!

Release v0.6.0-rc1 is our first release to the public. While we were using immudb for quite some time in the platform, we're thrilled to finally release it to the Open Source community (Apache 2 license).

The release contains 2 components, the main immutable database immudb and the admin CLI tool immuadmin. immudb is ready to be used on Linux as well as Microsoft Windows.

Tech specs

Topic Description
DB Model Key-Value store with 3D access (key-value-index)
Data scheme schema-free
Implementation design LSM tree with value log and parallel Merkle Tree
Implementation language Go
Server OS(s) BSD, Linux, OS X, Solaris, Windows
Embeddable Yes, optionally
Server APIs gRPC (using protocol buffers); immudb RESTful;
Partition methods Sharding
Consistency concepts Eventual Consistency Immediate Consistency
Transaction concepts ACID with Snapshot Isolation (SSI)
Durability Yes
Snapshots Yes
High Read throughput Yes
High Write throughput Yes
Optimized for SSD Yes

Real world examples

We already learned about the following use cases from users:

  • use immudb to immutably store every update to sensitive database fields (credit card or bank account data) of an existing application database
  • store CI/CD recipes in immudb to protect build and deployment pipelines
  • store public certificates in immudb
  • use immudb as an additional hash storage for digital objects checksums
  • store log streams (i. e. audit logs) tamperproof

Companies using immudb

Opvizor - immutable log (syslog) solution for VMware vSphere



TA Capital


Multiple databases

It is possible to create and use many databases. There is no hardcoded limit on the number of database immudb can handle, but keep in mind that for every database created, 4 more file descriptor will be used. Also, the database name must be shorter that 128 bytes, in order to comply with filesystem limitations. This is because every database is stored in a directory which has the same name of the database. For the same reason, special characters (such as /) in the database name must be avoided.

The default number of open file per process on modern linux systems is usually 1024. Thats mean that without increasing that number, immudb is limited to about 250 databases. It's easy to increase that limit.

If you are using systemd services, you only need to set LimitNOFILE=65536 in the service file, and restart the service.

With systemV init, you have to put ulimit -n 65536 in your init file, before launching immudb.

It is also possible to modify /etc/security/limits.conf, which sets the system defaults.

If you are using a dedicated immudb user, just add:

# /etc/security/limits.conf
immudb    hard    nofile      65536
immudb    soft    nofile      65536


Lot of useful documentation and step by step guides can be found at


We welcome contributions. Feel free to join the team!

To report bugs or get help, use GitHub's issues.


immudb is Apache v2.0 License.

immudb re-distributes other open-source tools and libraries - Acknowledgements.


immudb is a lightweight, high-speed immutable database for systems and applications







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  • Go 96.4%
  • Shell 2.7%
  • Makefile 0.5%
  • Roff 0.2%
  • Python 0.1%
  • Dockerfile 0.1%