I'm Luismar Carrillo, an enthusiastic electronic engineering student with a deep passion for mathematics and machine learning. My career goal is to become a scientist focused on applied mathematics, using these tools to solve complex problems across diverse domains, including finance, climate change, and electronic engineering. Below you'll find a little more about me:
🔭 I am currently focused on learning more about machine learning and mathematics, applying all of this to diverse domains of such as electronic engineering, finance and climate change.
🌱 I am actively learning Python, ML Engineering, and deepening my understanding of mathematics.
👯 I am open to collaborating on projects especially open source, being most interested in those where mathematics, machine learning, and engineering intersect.
🤔 I seek to build, teach and strengthen through the community to which I belong Cusol-uis from open source focused on Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence to strengthen the development of LATAM.
📫 Contact me through LinkedIn: LinkedIn
Feel free to connect with me or ask any questions! I am always open to new ideas, collaborations and challenges.