Created by Erica Miller (2031854) for the Spring 2024 semester.
This program was made with the SQLAlchemy, MySQL connector, and Flask packages.
Ensure you have the required dependencies downloaded by running the following command in this directory:
python -m pip install -r requirements.txt
First, take a look at config/
and check if the CONNECTION_MODE
is what you intend.
The default value is REMOTE_SERVER
, which is the AWS server -- our final presenting database.
Other values such as LOCAL_FILE
can be used for testing purposes.
Keep in mind that the program, including the utility and interface code, will interact with the database
as determined by CONNECTION_MODE
To start the show, you can simply run:
Please note that you must send a GET request to localhost:5000/api/generate to generate an authentication cookie. If you don't you will not be able to access any of the API.
To generate arbitrary daycares into the database, you can run the following:
python -m utils.DaycareGenerator
/api/generate # Generate auth token
/api/lookup/facility # All facilities
/api/lookup/classrooms # All classroomss