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added benchmarking code, sped up implementation to match that of the …
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riceric22 committed May 3, 2017
1 parent 9d47a80 commit 78594aa
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Showing 3 changed files with 197 additions and 39 deletions.
171 changes: 145 additions & 26 deletions newton_admm/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3,8 +3,11 @@
import numpy as np
from . import cones as C
from scipy.sparse.linalg import aslinearoperator as aslo
import scipy
from block import block, block_diag

import cvxpy as cp
from time import time

def _unpack(data):
return data['A'], data['b'], data['c']
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -100,13 +103,15 @@ def _J_onto_Kstar(x, cone):
J_cones = []
i = 0
existing_cones = [c for c in _cones if _cone_exists(c, cone)]
cone_lengths = []
for c in existing_cones:
if _cone_exists(c, cone):
c_len = _cone_len(c, cone)
J_cones.append(_dual_cone_J(x[i:i + c_len], c, cone))
i += c_len
assert i == len(x)
return block_diag(J_cones, arrtype=sla.LinearOperator)
return J_cones, cone_lengths

def _dual_cone_J(x, c, cone):
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -150,30 +155,96 @@ def _extract_solution(u, v, n, zerotol):
y = u[n:-1] / scale
return (x, s, y)

def _setup_benchmark():
b = {
'time' : [],
'fval' : [],
'error' : []
return b

def error_from_x(x, benchmark, m):
""" From x, return beta """
# prob, beta, betastar = benchmark
# scs_output = {
# "info" : {
# 'status': 'Solved',
# 'statusVal': 1,
# 'resPri': 1,
# 'resInfeas': 1,
# 'solveTime': 1,
# 'relGap': 1,
# 'iter': 1,
# 'dobj': 1,
# 'pobj': 1,
# 'setupTime': 1,
# 'resUnbdd': 1,
# 'resDual': 1},
# "y" : np.zeros(m),
# "x" : x,
# "s" : np.zeros(m)
# }
# prob.unpack_results(cp.SCS, scs_output)
beta_from_x, betastar = benchmark
return np.linalg.norm(beta_from_x(x) - betastar)
# if isinstance(beta, cp.Variable):
# return np.linalg.norm(beta.value - betastar)
# else:
# return np.sum(np.linalg.norm(b1.value-b2)
# for b1, b2 in zip(beta, betastar))

def update_benchmark(b, u, v, c, t, zerotol, benchmark, m):
n = len(c)
x, _, _ = _extract_solution(u, v, n, zerotol)
b['error'].append(error_from_x(x, benchmark, m))

def M_matvec(v, solve_IplusQ, k):
out = np.zeros(3 * k)
out[:k] = solve_IplusQ(v[:k])
out[k:] = v[k:]
return out

def J_matvec(x, n, m, k, d, ridge, IplusQ, J_cones, cone_lengths):
out = np.zeros(3*k)
out[:k] = (1+ridge)*[:k]) - x[k:-k] - x[-k:]
out[k:k+n] = -x[:n] + (1+ridge)*x[k:k+n] + x[-k:-k+n]
# cone block
i = 0
for K_op, K_len in zip(J_cones, cone_lengths):
out[k+n+i:k+n+i+K_len] = -K_op(x[n+i:n+i+K_len]) + (1+ridge)*x[k+n+i:k+n+i+K_len] + K_op(x[2*k+n+i:2*k+n+i+K_len])
i += K_len

out[k+n+m] = -d*x[n+m] + (1+ridge)*x[k+n+m] + d*x[2*k+n+m]
out[2*k:] = x[:k] - x[k:-k]
return out

def newton_admm(data, cone, maxiters=100, admm_maxiters=1,
gmres_maxiters=lambda i: i // 10 + 1, zerotol=1e-14,
res_tol=1e-10, ridge=0, alpha=0.001, beta=0.5,
verbose=0, benchmark=None):
A, b, c = _unpack(data)
assert(A.ndim == 2 and b.ndim == 1 and c.ndim == 1)
m, n = A.shape
k = n + m + 1

# preconstruct IplusQ and do an LU decomposition
Q = sp.bmat([[None, A.T, c[:, None]],
[-A, None, b[:, None]],
Q = sp.bmat([[ None, A.T, c[:, None]],
[ -A, None, b[:, None]],
[-c[None, :], -b[None, :], None]])
IplusQ = (sp.eye(Q.shape[0]) + Q).tocsc()
IplusQ_LU = sla.splu(IplusQ)
if IplusQ.nnz/(Q.shape[0]**2) < 0.1:
IplusQ_LU = sla.splu(IplusQ)
solve_IplusQ = lambda v: IplusQ_LU.solve(v)
IplusQ = IplusQ.todense()
IplusQ_LU = scipy.linalg.lu_factor(IplusQ)
solve_IplusQ = lambda v: scipy.linalg.lu_solve(IplusQ_LU, v)

# create preconditioner linear op
def M_matvec(v):
out = np.zeros(3 * k)
out[:k] = IplusQ_LU.solve(v[:k])
out[k:] = v[k:]
return out
M_lo = sla.LinearOperator((3 * k, 3 * k), matvec=M_matvec)
M_lo = sla.LinearOperator((3 * k, 3 * k), matvec=lambda v: M_matvec(v, solve_IplusQ, k))

# Initialize ADMM variables
utilde, u, v = np.zeros(k), np.zeros(k), np.zeros(k)
Expand All @@ -183,36 +254,76 @@ def M_matvec(v):

Ik = sp.eye(k)
In = sp.eye(n)

# save benchmarks in a dictionary
b = _setup_benchmark()
extra_iters = 1

for iters in range(admm_maxiters):
if benchmark is not None:
start_time = time()

# do admm step
utilde = IplusQ_LU.solve(u + v)
utilde = solve_IplusQ(u + v)
u = _proj_onto_C(utilde - v, cone, n)
v = v - utilde + u
# print("#0", utilde, u)
# assert False

if benchmark is not None:
update_benchmark(b, u, v, c, time() - start_time, zerotol, benchmark, m)

if verbose and np.mod(iters, verbose) == 0:
# If still running ADMM iterations, compute residuals
r_utilde, r_u, r_v = _compute_r(utilde, u, v, cone, n, IplusQ)
_r_utilde, _r_u, _r_v = np.linalg.norm(
r_utilde), np.linalg.norm(r_u), np.linalg.norm(r_v)
x, _, _ = _extract_solution(u, v, n, zerotol)
objval =
print("%d/%d: r_utilde = %E, r_u = %E, r_v = %E, obj val c^T x = %E." %
(iters, admm_maxiters, _r_utilde, _r_u, _r_v, objval))

if all(r < res_tol for r in (_r_utilde, _r_u, _r_v)):
print("Stopping early, residuals < {}".format(res_tol))

for iters in range(maxiters):
if benchmark is not None:
start_time = time()

# do newton step
r_utilde, r_u, r_v = _compute_r(utilde, u, v, cone, n, IplusQ)

# create linear operator for Jacobian
d = np.array(utilde[-1] - v[-1] >=
0.0).astype(np.float64).reshape(1, 1)

D = _J_onto_Kstar((utilde - v)[n:-1], cone)
D_lo = block_diag([In, D, d], arrtype=sla.LinearOperator)
# This code is more readable but slower, and is left here
# just for the understanding of the reader.
# d = np.array(utilde[-1] - v[-1] >=
# 0.0).astype(np.float64).reshape(1, 1)
# D = block_diag(_J_onto_Kstar((utilde - v)[n:-1], cone)[0],
# arrtype=sla.LinearOperator)
# D_lo = block_diag([In, D, d], arrtype=sla.LinearOperator)

J_matvec = block([[IplusQ * (1 + ridge), '-I', '-I'],
[-D_lo, Ik * (1 + ridge), D_lo],
['I', '-I', -Ik * ridge]], arrtype=sla.LinearOperator)
# J_lo = block([[IplusQ * (1 + ridge), '-I', '-I'],
# [-D_lo, Ik * (1 + ridge), D_lo],
# ['I', '-I', -Ik * ridge]], arrtype=sla.LinearOperator)

J_lo = sla.LinearOperator((3 * k, 3 * k), matvec=J_matvec)
# Instead of building it block-wise, it is more efficient to just
# create the linear operator directly as follows.

d = np.array(utilde[-1] - v[-1] >=
0.0).astype(np.float64).reshape(1, 1)
J_cones, cone_lengths = _J_onto_Kstar((utilde - v)[n:-1], cone)
# print("#1", u)
J_lo = sla.LinearOperator((3 * k, 3 * k), matvec=
lambda x: J_matvec(x, n, m, k, d, ridge, IplusQ, J_cones, cone_lengths))
# approximately solve then newton step
dall, info = sla.gmres(J_lo,
np.concatenate([r_utilde, r_u, r_v]),
maxiter=gmres_maxiters(iters) + extra_iters)
# print("#2")
# assert False
dutilde, du, dv = dall[0:k], dall[k:2 * k], dall[2 * k:]

# backtracking line search
Expand All @@ -228,22 +339,29 @@ def M_matvec(v):

if not ((np.linalg.norm(np.concatenate([r_utilde0, r_u0, r_v0])) >
(1 - alpha * t) * r_all_norm) and
(t >= 1e-1)):
(t >= 1e-4)):

t *= beta

if t < 1e-4:
extra_iters += 1

# update iterates
utilde, u, v = utilde0, u0, v0
ridge *= 0.9

if benchmark is not None:
update_benchmark(b, u, v, c, time() - start_time, zerotol, benchmark, m)

if verbose and np.mod(iters, verbose) == 0:
# If still running ADMM iterations, compute residuals
_r_utilde, _r_u, _r_v = np.linalg.norm(
r_utilde), np.linalg.norm(r_u), np.linalg.norm(r_v)
x, _, _ = _extract_solution(u, v, n, zerotol)
objval =
print("At beg. of iter %d/%d: r_utilde = %E, r_u = %E, r_v = %E, obj val c^T x = %E." %
(iters, maxiters, _r_utilde, _r_u, _r_v, objval))
print("%d/%d: r_utilde = %E, r_u = %E, r_v = %E, obj val c^T x = %E. (%d)" %
(iters, maxiters, _r_utilde, _r_u, _r_v, objval, extra_iters))

if all(r < res_tol for r in (_r_utilde, _r_u, _r_v)):
print("Stopping early, residuals < {}".format(res_tol))
Expand All @@ -255,6 +373,7 @@ def M_matvec(v):
's': s,
'y': y,
'info': {
'benchmark' : b
55 changes: 47 additions & 8 deletions newton_admm/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ def least_squares(m, n):
b =

x = cp.Variable(n)
return cp.Problem(cp.Minimize(cp.sum_squares(A * x - b) + cp.norm(x, 2)))
return (x, cp.Problem(cp.Minimize(cp.sum_squares(A * x - b) + cp.norm(x, 2))))

def lp(m, n):
Expand All @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ def lp(m, n):
b1 = np.zeros(n)

# equality constraints
A2 = np.random.randn(m, n)
A2 = np.random.randn(m, n)
b2 =

# objective
Expand All @@ -33,23 +33,61 @@ def lp(m, n):
lam[idxes] = 0
c = np.ravel( + lam)

# create standard form cone parameters
A = np.vstack([A1,A2,-A2])
b = np.vstack([b1[:,None], b2[:,None], -b2[:,None]]).ravel()

x = cp.Variable(n)
return cp.Problem(cp.Minimize(c.T * x + cp.sum_squares(x)),
[b1 - A1 * x >= 0, A2 * x == b2])
return (x, cp.Problem(cp.Minimize(c.T * x),
[b1 - A1 * x >= 0, A2 * x == b2]), {
'A' : A,
'b' : b,
'c' : c,
'dims' : {
'l' : 2*m+n
'beta_from_x' : lambda x: x

def portfolio_opt(p):
""" Create a portfolio optimization problem with p dimensions """
temp = np.random.randn(p, p)
Sigma =

Sigma_sqrt = sp.linalg.sqrtm(Sigma)
o = np.ones((p, 1))

# Solve by ECOS.
# Create standard form cone problem
Zp1 = np.zeros((p,1))

# setup for cone problem
c = np.vstack([Zp1, np.array([[1.0]])]).ravel()

G1 = sp.linalg.block_diag(2.0*Sigma_sqrt, -1.0)
q = np.vstack([Zp1, np.array([[1.0]])])
G2 = np.hstack([o.T, np.array([[0.0]])])
G3 = np.hstack([-o.T, np.array([[0.0]])])

h = np.vstack([Zp1, np.array([[1.0]])])
z = 1.0

A = np.vstack([G2, G3, -q.T, -G1 ])
b = np.vstack([1.0, -1.0, np.array([[z]]), h]).ravel()

betahat = cp.Variable(p)
return cp.Problem(cp.Minimize(cp.quad_form(betahat, Sigma)),
[o.T * betahat == 1])
return (betahat, cp.Problem(cp.Minimize(cp.quad_form(betahat, Sigma)),
[o.T * betahat == 1]), {
'A' : A,
'b' : b,
'c' : c,
'dims' : {
'l' : 2,
'q' : [p+2]
'beta_from_x' : lambda x: x[:p]

def logistic_regression(N, p, suppfrac):
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -91,7 +129,8 @@ def logistic_regression(N, p, suppfrac):
betahat = cp.Variable(p)
logloss = sum(cp.log_sum_exp(
cp.hstack(0, y[i] * X[i, :] * betahat)) for i in range(N))
return cp.Problem(cp.Minimize(logloss + lam * cp.norm(betahat, 1)))
return (betahat,
cp.Problem(cp.Minimize(logloss + lam * cp.norm(betahat, 1))))

def robust_pca(p, suppfrac):
Expand Down

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