This Python program generates a website that displays trailers for movies and TV shows.
Clone or download all of the files in the project. You will need to have Python installed on your machine in order to run the Python scripts. The project was built under Python 2.7.12, but is simple enough that it should work in both Python 2 and 3. Very minimal testing was done to verify that it would run in both 2.7.12 and 3.4.3.
Run the Python script to generate and open the html file containing the video trailers. The resulting html file will be called fresh_tomatoes.html. Each time is run, it will overwrite the existing html file.
Movies and tv shows can be added or removed from the website using the file Note that the classes used in this file are defined in To make changes to the html, css, and js code, use the file
This project is released under the MIT License.