Interactive chicken video stream; who woulda thunk it?
This is my little project that lets me keep an eye on my chickens from anywhere. It streams video from my backyard to the web and even lets visitors interact with the setup remotely. Pretty neat, right?
Under the hood, it's got some cool tech that I've put together to solve a bunch of interesting problems:
- Streaming video from a home network without killing my bandwidth
- Connecting home hardware to the internet (safely!)
- Controlling physical stuff remotely
- Making it all work together seamlessly
layout: dagre
look: neo
flowchart TD
subgraph Users["Internet Users"]
direction LR
Viewers["Web Browser"]
subgraph VPS["VPS (docker containers)"]
direction LR
VPSTailscale["Tailscale Client"]
MediaMTX["MediaMTX (RTSPโHLS)"]
SWAG["SWAG (Nginx + SSL)"]
ChickyControl["Chicky Control Server"]
subgraph Hardware["Hardware Controls"]
direction LR
Servos["Servo Motors"]
subgraph HomeNet["Home Network"]
direction LR
Router["Router with Tailscale"]
Camera["IP Camera (RTSP)"]
RaspPi["Raspberry Pi (Chicky)"]
RaspPi --> Hardware
Users -- HLS stream (https) --> SWAG
SWAG --> MediaMTX & ChickyControl
MediaMTX --> VPSTailscale
VPSTailscale --> Router & Router
Router --> Camera & RaspPi
Users -- HTML (https) --> SWAG
Users -- Websocket (wss) --> SWAG
ChickyControl --> VPSTailscale
classDef routerNode fill:#a8d1ff,stroke:#3a87ff,stroke-width:2px,color:#333,font-weight:bold
classDef cameraNode fill:#ffccb3,stroke:#ff8c66,stroke-width:2px,color:#333
classDef raspberryNode fill:#b3e6b3,stroke:#66cc66,stroke-width:2px,color:#333
classDef hardwareNode fill:#c1f0d9,stroke:#7ad3a7,stroke-width:1px,color:#333
classDef tailscaleNode fill:#d8c1ff,stroke:#b38aff,stroke-width:2px,color:#333,font-weight:bold
classDef mediaNode fill:#ffd9b3,stroke:#ffb366,stroke-width:2px,color:#333
classDef swagNode fill:#ffb3d1,stroke:#ff80ab,stroke-width:2px,color:#333
classDef controlNode fill:#b3e6f2,stroke:#66ccdf,stroke-width:2px,color:#333
classDef viewerNode fill:#d9d9d9,stroke:#a6a6a6,stroke-width:2px,color:#333
style VPSTailscale fill:#d8c1ff
style ChickyControl fill:#b3d1ff
style Router fill:#a8d1ff
linkStyle 0 stroke:#2962FF,fill:none
linkStyle 1 stroke:#FF6D00,fill:none
linkStyle 2 stroke:#FF6D00,fill:none
linkStyle 3 stroke:#2962FF,fill:none
linkStyle 4 stroke:#FF6D00,fill:none
linkStyle 5 stroke:#FF6D00,fill:none
linkStyle 6 stroke:#2962FF,fill:none
linkStyle 7 stroke:#FF6D00,fill:none
linkStyle 8 stroke:#2962FF,fill:none
linkStyle 10 stroke:#2962FF,fill:none
linkStyle 11 stroke:#2962FF,fill:none
- A Raspberry Pi running Node.js to control everything
- An IP Camera (TP-Link Tapo C220) that can pan and tilt
- Some servo motors hooked up to a feed dispenser
- Tailscale running on the router for secure networking
- A VPS running Docker containers for all the services
- MediaMTX to handle the video streaming magic
- SWAG (Nginx with SSL) to serve up the web interface
- A Node.js server that handles all the control commands
- Tailscale to create a secure tunnel back to my home network
- The whole setup uses just one connection from my home network, no matter how many people are watching
- HLS streaming means it works in any modern browser without plugins
- Tailscale creates an encrypted network between my home and the cloud server
- Everything runs in Docker containers for easy deployment and updates
- The camera controls work in real-time with minimal lag
layout: dagre
look: neo
flowchart LR
User["Internet User"]
SSL["SSL Termination"]
Auth["Auth Layer"]
Tailscale["Tailscale Network"]
Home["Home Network"]
User -->|HTTPS| SSL
SSL -->|HTTP| Auth
Auth -->|If Authorized| Tailscale
Tailscale -->|Encrypted| Home
classDef routerNode fill:#a8d1ff,stroke:#3a87ff,stroke-width:2px,color:#333,font-weight:bold
classDef tailscaleNode fill:#d8c1ff,stroke:#b38aff,stroke-width:2px,color:#333,font-weight:bold
classDef swagNode fill:#ffb3d1,stroke:#ff80ab,stroke-width:2px,color:#333
classDef controlNode fill:#b3e6f2,stroke:#66ccdf,stroke-width:2px,color:#333
classDef viewerNode fill:#d9d9d9,stroke:#a6a6a6,stroke-width:2px,color:#333
linkStyle 0 stroke:#FF6D00,fill:none
linkStyle 1 stroke:#FF6D00,fill:none
linkStyle 2 stroke:#2962FF,fill:none
linkStyle 3 stroke:#2962FF,fill:none
I've set things up so that:
- All traffic is encrypted (HTTPS and Tailscale)
- My home devices aren't directly exposed to the internet
- You need special tokens to control anything
- Each component only has the permissions it absolutely needs
- Handles lots of viewers without breaking my home internet
- Converts camera video to a format that works well on the web
- Creates a secure tunnel between my home and the cloud
- Lets people interact with my chicken setup (which is just fun)
- Works on pretty much any device with a modern browser
- Add time restrictions around control interactions so the chooks get a good night's sleep
- Implement rate limiting on the API side of things
- Improve cooldown handling for controls
- Fix current viewer stats (currently broken)
- Redesign control panel for better user experience