#Docker mycat This is a docker image mycat 1.6 release. First of all you need to install docker.
##Quickstart use docker-compose
docker-compose up -d
For use this command,you should install docker-compose fisrt,use:
curl -L "https://github.com/docker/compose/releases/download/1.9.0/docker-compose-$(uname -s)-$(uname -m)" -o /usr/local/bin/docker-compose
chmod +x /usr/local/bin/docker-compose
Test the installaton:
$ docker-compose --version
docker-compose version: 1.9.0
Note:If you have installed docker-compose already,make sure docker-compose version is higher than 1.6,which can support "v2" version in docker-compose.yml
##Manual start You should run at least 2 mysql instance firstly for test. Two servers are mysql docker image file of replication with GTID. You must enter the directory to run shell script like this:
cd master
./master.sh [port default=3306]
cd slave
./slave.sh [master_ip] [master_port default=3306]
Don't run the script like this:
Beacuse you change the value of $PWD implictly.
You also can start other mysql server as slave just use the same command.
cd slave
./slave.sh [master_ip] [master_port default=3306]
Check if all the servers are booted.
docker ps
All mysql server username is root,and password is root.
You can try to connect servers like this:
For master:
mysql -uroot -proot -h[your host IP] -P[port]
For slave:
mysql -uroot -proot -h[your host IP] -P[port]
##Build docker image
docker build -t liuxing/mycat .
##Edit the start script startup.sh.
Username of the mycat.You can use "mysql -u -p" to login. ex:USERNAME=root
Password of the mycat.You can use "mysql -u -p" to login.ex:PASSWORD=root
The database you use.Make sure all of then mysql instances(master & slaves) have the same database.
If you have not created it before,create it before start mycat.
Login to master and use the command as below:
create database test;
If you have done the mysql replication,you need not to create the database on slave servers.
Mysql replication can do the job by synchronizing the data of master server.
The ip and port of master server.ex:MASTER_IP_PORT=
The username of master server. ex:MASTER_USERNAME=root
The password of slave server.ex:MASTER_PASSWORD=root
The ip and port of slave server.You also can add many servers as slave to use a comma.
The username of slave server.ex:SLAVE_USERNAME=root,tiger
The password of slave server.ex:SLAVE_PASSWORD=root,scott
##Startup mycat
##Test replication
- Connect to mycat
mysql -uroot -proot -h[your mycat IP] -P[port]
use test;
select * from t1;
insert into t1 values (3,'slave');
select * from t1;
Show the result:
1 master
2 master
3 slave
- Connect to master
mysql -uroot -proot -h[your master IP] -P[port]
use test;
select * from t1;
Show the result:
1 master
2 master
3 slave
- Connect to slave
mysql -uroot -proot -h[your slave IP] -P[port];
use test;
select * from t1;
Show the result:
1 master
2 master
3 slave
###Test rw-splitting
- Stop the replication of slave by
mysql -uroot -proot -h[your slave IP] -P[port]
stop slave;
- Insert a record in mycat.
mysql -uroot -proot -h[your mycat IP] -P[port]
use test;
insert into t1 values(4,'rw');
select * from t1;
The record is written to master by mycat.So you can't see the record from slave. Both mycat and slave has the same result:
1 master
2 master
3 slave
- Connect to master
mysql -uroot -proot -h[your master IP] -P[port]
use test;
select * from t1;
Show the result at master:
1 master
2 master
3 slave
4 rw
- Recover the replication,connect to slave
mysql -uroot -proot -h[your slave IP] -P[port]
start slave;
The slave server will compelete the replication automaticly from master when slave server is restarted. So you try to run at slave server.
select * from t1;
Show the result at slave:
1 master
2 master
3 slave
4 rw
Conf file is mycat_conf in local path. You should restart docker after change any config files use:
docker restart mycat
See how to config your mycat. http://www.mycat.org.cn/document/Mycat_V1.6.0.pdf