SavePersonalVoiceAudio Public
Allows recording of Personal Voices to a file using builtin say command in Mac OS Sonoma
homebrew-gcc_cross_compilers Public
Forked from zanders3/homebrew-gcc_cross_compilersRuby UpdatedJul 4, 2023 -
oslog Public
os_log command line tool implementation for iOS
classdump-dyld Public
Class-dump any Mach-o file without extracting it from dyld_shared_cache
MobileMiner Public
CPU Miner for ARM64 iOS Devices
libbulletin Public
Simple iOS library that displays simple or complex bulletins
dpkg Public
Forked from guillemj/dpkgModified dpkg for rootlessJB
huebridge Public
Command line tool for controlling Philips Hue bridge and lights
linux_libnfc-nci Public
Forked from NXPNFCLinux/linux_libnfc-nciLinux NFC stack for NCI based NXP NFC Controllers
C UpdatedJun 16, 2017 -
BioProtect-API Public
API for launching protected applications and folders through BioProtect
insert_dylib Public
Forked from tyilo/insert_dylibCommand line utility for inserting a dylib load command into a Mach-O binary
preferenceloader Public
Forked from rpetrich/preferenceloaderDrop-in replacement for preferenceloader.
Logos GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 UpdatedOct 15, 2015 -
weak_classdump Public
Cycript real-time classdump . An alternative for encrypted binaries
iphoneheaders Public
Forked from rpetrich/iphoneheadersOnly for use with my theos fork. Do not attempt to frankenstein them onto custom weird setup you have and expect them to work.
inPulseNotifier Public
Forked from brandontreb/inPulseNotifieriOS Notifications on your watch!
TapClockInfo Public
Tap lockscreen's clock to display info about your device
ArrangeStatusBar Public
Drag around StatusBar items to rearrange them
AnimateBattery Public
Add a charging animation to lockscreen's battery view
libEasySQLite3 Public
Library with convenient methods for SQLite databases management