These are my solutions to cs50's problem sets(1-8)
pset1: Implemented basic programs in C
pset2: Implemented encryptic messeges in C (Data types, loops etc)
pset3: Main Topics: Arrays, understand make files
find: learnt about various sortings and implemented (counting sort)
game of fifteen: implemented console version of game of fifteen
Main Topics: pointers and FileI/O
whodunit: Find the hidden messege in a picture
resize: Resize a given image
recover: Recover images from a file
Main Topics: Data Structures
Implemented a spell checker for a dictionary
Main Topics: Python, Flask, Understanding HTML,CSS
Implemented a program that categorizes a word as positive or negative.
Implemented a program that categorizes a user’s tweets as positive or negative.
Implemented a website that generates a pie chart categorizing a user’s tweets.
Main Topics: SQL,SQLite,MVC,DOM
Implemented a stock-trading website.
Main Topics: javascript,GoogleMaps-API,Ajax,jQuery
Implemented a news map.
1) C Programming
2) Python language
2) Flask (web-frame work)
3) Web Programming (HTML,CSS,java-script,Ajax,jQuery)
4) Mainly **reading&understanding** code written by others