AJ-Data boosts the CRUD development, not just an ORM library. There's three layers in this architecture:
- JDBC Connection, JDBC reader and writer, is like Spring JDBCTemplate or Apache Dbutils. It accepts SQL String and Map params then outputs a value, or a Map, or a Java Bean, or a List.
- CRUD Service, is a layer on top of the first layer, also the extender: FastCRUD provides the Common Implementation for rapidly CRUD operations without a lot of coding, plus a simple REST API is readily available.
- DataService, is a layer on top of the second layer, to write your own SQL or logic on the Web page, then REST API is prepared. More Info pls check out here.
We support two primary data formats for both input and output parameters:
- Map<String, Object>
- Java Bean
Currently supported databases (with more to come):
- SQLite
- Derby
Java Documents: https://dev.ajaxjs.com/docs/javadoc/aj-data/. For more information, please visit https://framework.ajaxjs.com/docs/aj/?section=data.
Requires Java 1.8+, Maven Snippets:
This project's based on Spring Framework, tested on Spring 5.x.
- Tomcat JDBC Connection Pool
- Snowflake 使用了 Twitter 的分布式自增 ID 算法 Snowflake:雪花生成器
- JSqlParser, for list paging and SQL Injection protection
- Apache Derby for unit test