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How to create mixed Java Javascript projects

Greg Hurrell edited this page Oct 16, 2020 · 3 revisions

⚠️ The contents of this wiki have been migrated to the liferay/liferay-frontend-projects monorepo and more specifically to the to the maintenance/projects/js-toolkit/docs directory. Development and updates will continue there, and this repo will be archived (ie. switched to read-only mode).

You can leverage Liferay's blade tool to create an empty portlet. Please refer to blade's documentation for information on how to do it.

Once you have created a portlet project, initialize a package.json file inside it by running npm init and begin using npm as you would do in a normal project.

👀 Keep in mind that you must place all your web resources (JS, CSS, HTML, ...)
   in the `src/main/resources/META-INF/resources` folder, which is the standard
   place where resources are placed in OSGi bundles.

When you are ready to deploy your portlet, edit your package.json file and configure a build script with the commands needed to build your project.

👀 You can use any languages you like as long as they can be transpiled to
   Ecmascript 5 or higher and use the CommonJS module resolution architecture
   (that is, Node.js's `require()` and `module.exports` idioms).

   Note that this can easily be achieved by writing ES2015+ code and then
   using Babel to transpile it.

The build script will be automatically run when you deploy your portlet to Liferay running gradlew deploy.

After everything is transpiled (if necessary) to Ecmascript 5+ and CommonJS you must run the liferay-npm-bundler tool to pack all Javascript code (including npm dependencies) and transform it to AMD so that Liferay AMD Loader may grab it from the server to use it in the browser.

👀 In essence, `liferay-npm-bundler` is a bundler (like webpack or Browserify)
   that targets Liferay Portal as platform and assumes that you will be using
   your npm packages from portlets (as opposed to pure web applications).

The peculiarity of running npm packages inside portlets makes the workflow a bit different from standard bundlers (like Browserify or webpack) because in this scenario you cannot just bundle all needed Javascript in a single file, but instead you must link all packages together in the browser when the full web page is assembled so that different portlets may share versions of modules instead of each one loading its own copy. That's where liferay-npm-bundler comes in handy.

You may read more about liferay-npm-bundler in the How to use liferay-npm-bundler page.

Or you may read more about the technical details of OSGi bundles containing npm packages in How to deploy npm packages to Liferay.