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Releases: letsgoawaydev/MapXYZ


08 Mar 13:57
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  • Locator maps for Java!
    • Shows other player markers on map with usernames underneath
      A map with another players marker on it.


# If true, show XYZ on map
enable-xyz-display: true
# Enable locator maps, similar idea to the one on Bedrock Edition
# Shows other player's markers on maps
enable-locator-maps: true


03 Mar 11:23
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Initial Release for 1.21.x


A plugin that shows XYZ coordinates on maps, like the Legacy Console edition of Minecraft.

A mostly blank map with the players XYZ coordinates printed on the top of the map.

Features (all are configurable)

  • Enables starting map so that when a player joins for the first time, they will be granted a empty map
  • Disables the coordinates in the F3 menu, making players rely on the map more in gameplay
    The plugin can forcefully disable the XYZ coordinates in the F3 menu
  • Scales the default map zoom to be zoomed out at 1:8 (Level 3/4) to match Legacy Console edition


# If true, players will get an empty map when they first join the server.
enable-starting-map: true
# If true, maps will scale at 1:8 (Level 3/4) by default when a map is created.
use-legacy-console-default-zoom: true
# Enables the reducedDebugInfo game rule on all worlds
# This option hides position info in the Debug menu (F3)
enable-reduced-debug-info: true
# Make the XYZ display position show the eye level position instead of
# the players feet level. This matches Legacy Console Edition but may cause confusion
use-eye-level-position: false


/mapxyz - Reloads the config of the MapXYZ plugin.


  default: op
  description: Allow players to execute the /mapxyz command