TL;DR - a Spotify playlist downloader
An puppeteer headles browser based spotify playlist data picker/cravler to feed youtube API in order to find best quality videos, download them and save to the computer, after that, convert everything to mp3 using ffmpeg binary.
For SpoTube to download, you will need:
- NodeJS (Download link: )
Clone/Download the files from repository to your specified folder and run command in the terminal to install npm packages after you locate yourself in the folder containing scripts:
$ npm install
After that, open up info.json file, paste the link you wish to download and run the app to download videos. Additionaly you can specify the words which will filter out videos containing them in order to increase the accuracy of results and save data/time.
$ node spotube.js
After that, to convert videos to mp3, run:
$ node c2mp3.js
Sometimes mac users experience problems with conversion to mp3. It is due to incorrect writting/reading permissions in the project root folder mac sets by default. Use this command in the project root folder to fix it:
$ chmod -R u+x .
Also, sometimes downloaded videos takes 0 bytes of size. It's a corupted video file. You can either delete it manualy or run c2mp3 and script will remove them by itself.