react-currency-mask is a lib to help you mask currencies while the user types the values. Supports BRL currency
$ yarn add react-currency-mask
# or with npm
$ npm install react-currency-mask --save
First, you need to import the CurrencyInput component. It receives any kind of input in order to give you control of styling and other third party libs.
For example, you can pass inside the CurrencyInput a Chakra UI Input, MUI Input, your own styled input and so on.
- It also supports usage along React Hook Form;
- React Hook Form Controller is recommended for better control (example below).
onChangeValue={(event, originalValue, maskedValue) => {
console.log(event, originalValue, maskedValue);
Required, function that triggers after the value of input changes. It returns the Input Event, original value and masked value.
Optional, must be a React Element. It can be from a Third Party library (such as MUI, Chakra UI, or any other...) or your own custom Input.
Optional, function that triggers after blur. It returns the Input Event, original value and masked value.
Optional, function that triggers after focused. It returns the Input Event, original value and masked value.
Optional, function that triggers after any key press. It returns the Keyboard Event, original value and masked value.
Optional, default value of the Input.
Optional, value of the input if you want to control it.
Optional, max value permitted.
Optional, currency you want to use as mask. Default is BRL.
Optional, locale you want to format currency. Default is pt-BR
Optional, boolean to control the currency symbol display.
Optional, if you want to select the value of input when clicking it.
Optional, if you want to reset the value after blur.
import { CurrencyInput } from 'react-currency-mask';
const MyComponent = () => {
return (
onChangeValue={(event, originalValue, maskedValue) => {
console.log(event, originalValue, maskedValue);
Example output
import { CurrencyInput } from 'react-currency-mask';
import { TextField } from '@mui/material';
const MyComponent = () => {
return (
onChangeValue={(event, originalValue, maskedValue) => {
console.log(event, originalValue, maskedValue);
InputElement={<TextField label="Custom Input" size="small" />}
*This example uses a MUI TextField
Example output
import { CurrencyInput } from 'react-currency-mask';
import { Controller, useFormContext } from 'react-hook-form';
type MyComponentProps = {
name: string,
const MyComponent = ({ name }: MyComponentProps) => {
const { control } = useFormContext();
return (
render={({ field }) => (
onChangeValue={(_, value) => {
InputElement={<MyCustomInput />}
*Input Element is optional, use it just if you want a custom input
react-currency-mask is MIT licensed.