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This repository was archived by the owner on Jul 31, 2023. It is now read-only.


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This repo is no longer maintained.

If you are interested in an XRPL/Ripple library for Ruby please open an issue! I want to gauge interest in a rewrite.


Xpring-Ruby is the Ruby client-side library for the Xpring SDK. It allows you to interact with the XRP ledger.



You must have node on your path for this gem to work! If you must use a different JS runtime, please drop us a line.

Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'xpring'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install xpring



A wallet is a fundamental model object in XpringKit which provides key management, address derivation, and signing functionality. Wallets can be derived from either a seed or a mnemonic and derivation path.

Wallet Derivation

xpring can derive a wallet from a seed or it can derive a hierarchical deterministic wallet from a mnemonic and derivation path.

Hierarchical Deterministic Wallets

A hierarchical deterministic wallet is created using a mnemonic. Simply pass the mnemonic to the wallet generation function.

mnemonic = "abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon about"
wallet = Xpring::Wallet.from_mnemonic(mnemonic)
Seed-based Wallets

You can construct a seed based wallet by passing a base58check encoded seed string.

wallet = Xpring::Wallet.from_seed("snRiAJGeKCkPVddbjB3zRwiYDBm1M")

Wallet Properties

A generated wallet can provide its public key, private key, and address on the XRP ledger.

mnemonic = "abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon about"
wallet = Xpring::Wallet.from_mnemonic(mnemonic)
puts wallet.address
puts wallet.public_key
puts wallet.private_key


Xpring::Client is a gateway into the XRP Ledger. It is initialized with the URL of the remote adapter.

client ="")

Retrieving a Balance

A client can check the balance of an account on the XRP ledger.

client ="")
address = "X7u4MQVhU2YxS4P9fWzQjnNuDRUkP3GM6kiVjTjcQgUU3Jr"
balance = client.balance_of(address)
puts balance

Checking Transaction Status

A client can check the status of a payment on the XRP ledger.

client ="")
transaction = "9FC7D277C1C8ED9CE133CC17AEA9978E71FC644CE6F5F0C8E26F1C635D97AF4A"
status = client.status_of(transaction)
puts status

Sending XRP

A client can send XRP to other accounts on the XRP ledger.

client ="")
amount = 10
destination_addr = "X7u4MQVhU2YxS4P9fWzQjnNuDRUkP3GM6kiVjTjcQgUU3Jr"

# sending wallet
mnemonic = "abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon about"
sender = Xpring::Wallet.from_mnemonic(mnemonic)

result = client.send_xrp(amount: amount, to: destination_addr, from: sender)


Address validation
classic_address = "rnysDDrRXxz9z66DmCmfWpq4Z5s4TyUP3G"
x_address = "X7jjQ4d6bz1qmjwxYUsw6gtxSyjYv5iWPqPEjGqqhn9Woti"
bitcoin_address = "1DiqLtKZZviDxccRpowkhVowsbLSNQWBE8"

Xpring::Util.valid_address?(classic_address)        # true
Xpring::Util.valid_address?(x_address)              # true
Xpring::Util.valid_address?(bitcoin_address)        # false 

You can also validate if an address is an X-Address or a classic address

classic_address = "rnysDDrRXxz9z66DmCmfWpq4Z5s4TyUP3G"
x_address = "X7jjQ4d6bz1qmjwxYUsw6gtxSyjYv5iWPqPEjGqqhn9Woti"
bitcoin_address = "1DiqLtKZZviDxccRpowkhVowsbLSNQWBE8"

Xpring::Util.valid_x_address?(classic_address)    # false
Xpring::Util.valid_x_address?(x_address)          # true
Xpring::Util.valid_x_address?(bitcoin_address)    # false

Xpring::Util.valid_classic_address?(classic_address)  # true
Xpring::Util.valid_classic_address?(x_address)        # false
Xpring::Util.valid_classic_address?(bitcoin_address)  # false


We have a dev dependency with gRPC web.

Install gRPC Web


curl -L --output protoc-gen-grpc-web

sudo mv protoc-gen-grpc-web /usr/local/bin/

chmod +x /usr/local/bin/protoc-gen-grpc-web


curl -L --output protoc-gen-grpc-web

sudo mv protoc-gen-grpc-web /usr/local/bin/

chmod +x /usr/local/bin/protoc-gen-grpc-web

Working with the repo

You can build the gem for local dev with: rake build

If something goes wrong, try cleaning the generated code with: rake clean

After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. Then, run rake spec to run the tests. You can also run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.

To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install. To release a new version, update the version number in version.rb, and then run bundle exec rake release, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the .gem file to


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at[USERNAME]/xpring.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.