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Easy Speech

Test suite CodeQL Semantic Analysis npm bundle size Project Status: Active – The project has reached a stable, usable state and is being actively developed. GitHub

Cross browser Speech Synthesis

This project was created, because it's always a struggle to get the synthesis part of Web Speech API running on most major browsers.

Note: this is not a polyfill package, if your target browser does not support speech synthesis or the Web Speech API, this package is not usable.


Install from npm via

$ npm install easy-speech


Import EasySpeech and first, detect, if your browser is capable of tts (text to speech):

import EasySpeech from 'easy-speech'


it returns an Object with the following information:

  speechSynthesis: SpeechSynthesis|undefined,
  speechSynthesisUtterance: SpeechSynthesisUtterance|undefined,
  speechSynthesisVoice: SpeechSynthesisVoice|undefined,
  speechSynthesisEvent: SpeechSynthesisEvent|undefined,
  speechSynthesisErrorEvent: SpeechSynthesisErrorEvent|undefined,
  onvoiceschanged: Boolean,
  onboundary: Boolean,
  onend: Boolean,
  onerror: Boolean,
  onmark: Boolean,
  onpause: Boolean,
  onresume: Boolean,
  onstart: Boolean

If at least SpeechSynthesis and SpeechSynthesisUtterance are defined you are good to go.


Preparing everything to work is not as clear as it should, especially when targeting cross-browser functionality. The asynchronous init function will help you with this situation:

EasySpeech.init({ maxTimeout: 5000, interval: 250 })
    .then(() => console.debug('load complete'))
    .catch(e => console.error(e))

It will go through several stages to setup the environment:

  • detect and that SpeechSynthesis is basically supported, if not -> fail
  • load voices directly
  • if not loaded but onvoiceschanged is available: use onvoiceschanged
  • if onvoiceschanged is not available: fallback to timeout
  • if onvoiceschanged is fired but no voices available: fallback to timeout
  • timeout reloads voices in a given interval until a maxTimeout is reached
  • if voices are loaded until then -> complete
  • if no voices found -> fail

Speak a voice


There is a full API documentation available: api docs


This project used several resources to gain insights about how to get the best cross-browser SpeechSynthesis running: