Chaos is the mythological void state preceding the creation of the universe.
💖 if you think this has potential, star ⭐️ the project to let me know :)
provide extra layer between you app and Filament, dont worry about generic column like timestamps and stuff.
and some more perks, more details coming soon.
composer require lara-zeus/chaos
- add action by
- checks for
- set lang file per resource
- set the Model Label and Plural Model Label
- add the soft delete scope
- lazy load the actions by relations
- all forms will have the same looks and functionalty
- add a side column for timestamps and action by
- you can add side section
- usage:
public static function form(Form $form): Form
return ChaosForms::make($form, [
- add timestamps columns, hidden by default
- add actions by with popover for user info
- add all defualt actions per row
- view
- edit
- delete
- force delete
- restore
- add soft delete filters
- set pagination 25
- set default sort by id desc
- set bulk actions
- usage:
public static function table(Table $table): Table
return ChaosTables::make(
actions: [
bulkActions: [
filters: [
- add header actions:
- view and delete
- add header actions:
- create
- add header actions:
- edit