Currently a first-year student at Zhoushan Liuheng High School, passionate about coding and building projects. I love working with computers and making ideas come to life. Always eager to learn and collaborate with others.
目前住校 上学期间仅少部分时间可进行更新维护
Living on campus, and during the school term, I only have limited time available for updates and maintenance.
🍔 Front End | 🍜 Back End | 🔐 Network Security
mc.thePlayer.setPosition(you.PosX, you.posY, you.posZ);
"My avatar features the characters fun LaoShui(), where 'fun' stands for both function definition in programming and the meaning of 'fun' in English. It represents my passion for coding and how I define my happiness through it. I chose JetBrains Mono font with bold italic for 'fun' to highlight this key concept, symbolizing my pursuit of joy and unique expression in programming. LaoShui is my online name, styled like a function call, representing my personal style and coding philosophy."