This folder contains 3 parts:
- Contact Application - Dot net core MVC Solution
- ContactWebAPI - Dot net core Web API
- DB Scripts for creating the db tables and sample data. Please ensure to run the Web api first and then ensure that the api is running in the below mentioned endpoint :
https://localhost:44305/api/getcontacts _ this will read the sample data from the API. The MVC application will call the API for the DB persistance.
The MVC application has the below funtionalities :
- Home page - Displays the list of contacts. Create the sample records in the DB.
- Create Contact - Creates a new contact
- Edit Contact - Edits an existing contact
- Map View - Finds the latitude and longitude of the given city name and displays in the map. -> For this purpose I have used google maps api whose API key is currently hard coded in the application.
- Error page -> will navigate to error page when something goes wrong.