A decentralized voting system built with Hardhat, Ethereum and Solidity.
- Node.js
- npm or yarn
- Hardhat
- Ethers.js
- Ganache (Local blockchain)
- Waffle & Chai (Testing framework)
npm install
Available Scripts Start local blockchain:
npm run ganache
Compile contracts:
npm run compile
Run tests:
npm run test
Project Structure
├── contracts/ # Smart contracts
├── scripts/ # Deployment scripts
├── test/ # Test files
└── hardhat.config.js
Testing The project uses Waffle and Chai for testing smart contracts. Run the test suite with:
npm test
Local Development
- Start Ganache local blockchain
- Compile contracts
- Deploy using Hardhat
- Interact using ethers.js
This README.md provides a solid foundation for documenting the voting system project. It includes all the essential sections like installation, usage, testing, and project structure based on the Hardhat setup shown in package.json.