A lightweight, fast and efficient discord nitro sniper, giveaway sniper & invite sniper.
- Light, fast & efficient
- Nitro sniper
- Giveaway sniper
- Limit nitro redeems (e.g. 2 codes / 24 hours)
- Custom giveaway reaction delay (randomized between delay and (delay * 1.5))
- DM host on giveaway win
- Custom DM Delay
- Custom DM Message
- Status Changer
- One-click Deploy
- Duplicate Protection
- Fake Code Detection
- Multi-Account Support
- 3 Modes -
- Webhook support (Giveaways & Nitro)
- Fully customizable webhook
- Ability to turn the webhook on/off for certain events
- Ability to decide when the webhook should ping @everyone
- Ability to turn the ping on/off for certain events
- Whitelist and blacklist words for the giveaway sniper
- Whitelist only mode for giveaway sniper (Blacklist still applies)
- Blacklist and whitelist servers from the giveaway sniper
- Announce nitro type on snipe
- Invite Sniper
- Minimum and maximum member count for invite sniper
- Limit invite joins (e.g. 10 invites / 6 hours)
- Minimum and maximum delay before sniping invite
Visit the dashboard
Paste the following inside the box:
After the process completes, visit the environment variables tab.
Set the key as
and paste this inside the value text box; proceed to edit your configuration. -
After you are done editing your configuration, click
Add new secret
. (You can go back to that tab whenever to change your settings)
You can now use CTRL + ENTER or CMD + ENTER to start the sniper or by using the
button at the top of the page. -
- If you want to keep the sniper running 24/7 even when you shut down your PC, use uptime robot to ping the repl.it URL as seen here
- To see the output of the sniper, go to the
- If you wish to update the sniper when a new version is released you can run
git pull
in theShell
tab as seen in this screenshot:
- If you want to keep the sniper running 24/7 even when you shut down your PC, use uptime robot to ping the repl.it URL as seen here
- Make sure Node v14+ is installed on your system and open a command prompt/terminal.
- Run
git clone https://github.com/slow/nitro-sniper nitro-sniper
- Run
cd nitro-sniper
- Run
npm install
- Edit the .env file.
- Run
node .
tokens: {
// Main Token (ex: Nz...)
main: '',
// Alt Tokens (ex: Nz...)
alts: [
// The mode to run the sniper in. Options: main (only main account), alts (only alts), both
mode: 'both',
The status the accounts should be on.
Options: online, dnd, idle, offline, default
default means the status will not be modified.
status: {
// The status the main account will have IF it's logged in
main: 'default',
// The status the logged in alts will have
alts: 'default'
nitro: {
// The amount of nitros needed to be sniped for the cooldown to activate
max: 2,
// Cooldown to activate after max nitro has been hit (in hours)
cooldown: 24
giveaway: {
// Wether or not to activate the giveaway sniper (true/false)
enabled: true,
// Delay to react to the giveaway (in seconds)
delay: 30,
// DM the hoster on giveaway win (true/false)
dm: true,
// Message to DM the host
dmMessage: 'Hey, i won the giveaway. Could i redeem my prize?',
// How long to wait to DM (in seconds)
dmDelay: 25,
// Blacklisted words for giveaway prizes
blacklistedWords: [
// Only react to whitelisted giveaway prizes (true/false)
whitelistOnly: false,
// Whitelisted words for giveaway prizes
whitelistedWords: [
// Blacklisted Server IDs to not snipe giveaways on
blacklistedServers: [
// Only snipe giveaways on whitelisted servers (true/false)
whitelistServersOnly: false,
whitelistedServers: [
invite: {
// Wether or not to activate the invite sniper (true/false)
enabled: false,
delay: {
// Minimum delay to join the server (in seconds)
min: 10,
// Maximum delay to join the server (in seconds)
max: 20
members: {
// The minimum member count the server should have
min: 1500,
// The maximum member count the server should have
max: 50000
// The amount of joined invites needed for the cooldown to activate
max: 10,
// Cooldown to activate after max joined invites has been hit (in hours)
cooldown: 6,
// Wether to allow the main token to snipe invites (true/false)
onlyAlts: true
webhook: {
// URL to fire webhook to for notifications (ex: https://discord.com/api/webhooks/.../...)
url: '',
enabled: {
// Fire webhook on invalid code (true/false)
codeInvalid: false,
// Fire webhook on already redeemed code (true/false)
codeAlreadyRedeemed: false,
// Fire webhook on sniped code (true/false)
codeSuccess: true,
// Fire webhook on giveaway enter (true/false)
giveawayEntered: true,
// Fire webhook on giveaway win (true/false)
giveawayWin: true,
// Fire webhook on invite join (true/false)
inviteJoin: false,
// Fire webhook on failure of sniping invite (true/false)
inviteFail: false
mentionEveryone: {
// Mention on invalid code (true/false)
codeInvalid: false,
// Mention on already redeemed code (true/false)
codeAlreadyRedeemed: false,
// Mention on sniped code (true/false)
codeSuccess: true,
// Mention on giveaway enter (true/false)
giveawayEntered: false,
// Mention on giveaway win (true/false)
giveawayWin: true,
// Mention on invite join (true/false)
inviteJoin: false,
// Mention on failure of sniping invite (true/false)
inviteFail: false
- Try to get a low latency to discord servers as there can be competition with other snipers.
- This is technically a self-bot: mentioning this in a discord chat is enough to make your account reportable to Trust & Safety.
- Running more than one instance or different snipers is an easy way to get your account deactivated.
- Before using, consider the moral implications of stealing gifts from communities you have nothing to do with.
If you enjoy my projects, please consider leaving a ⭐ in the top right on the repo :)