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6. How to Test Your Code

Mengting Yan edited this page Aug 14, 2020 · 3 revisions

How to Test Your Code

In this document, you will learn how to test if your new command is registered successfully and returns an expected result.

Test String Response

To test a command-line test string that returns a string response 'hello world', you can use the TestStringResponse api (source). Take the following code as an example, the TestStringResponse api will use spectron and Mocha test suite to launch Kui, then paste the command-line test string to repl input, and check if the repl result is 'hello wolrd'.

import { TestStringResponse } from '@kui-shell/test'

new TestStringResponse({
  command: 'test string',
  expect: 'hello world',
  exact: true // set to false if 'hello world' should be a substring of the response

Test MultiModalResponse

To test a command-line test mmr name that returns a MultiModalResponse with name this is the name part, you can use the TestMMR api (source).Take the following code as an example, the TestMMR api will use spectron and Mocha to launch Kui, then paste the command-line 'test mmr name' to repl input, and check if TopNavSidecar is open and the name part of sidecar header is 'this is the name part'.

const testMetadataName = new TestMMR({
  command: 'test mmr name',
  metadata: {
    name: 'this is the name part'

You may also find the following test examples useful for testing other parts of a MultiModalResponse:

Test NavResponse

To test a command test nav that returns a NavResponse with menu Test Nav and menu item with mode table, a Home Page href link and a switch command link, you can use TestNavResponse api (source). Take the following code as an example, the TestNavResponse api will use spectron and Mocha to launch Kui, then paste the command-line 'test nav', and check if the leftnav sidecar is open with 'Test Nav' menu expanded, has a 'table' menu item, and the Home Page link and switch command link. It will also clck the switch link, and check a new LeftNavSidecar is open with menu Test Nav 2.

import { TestNavResponse } from '@kui-shell/test'

const testFullNavResponse = new TestNavResponse({
  command: 'test nav',
  showing: 'Test Nav',
  modes: ['table'],
  commandLinks: [{ label: 'switch', expect: { type: 'NavResponse', showing: 'Test Nav 2' } }],
  hrefLinks: [{ label: 'Home Page', href: '' }]

You may find more test examples of NavResponse helpful here.

Where to Place Your Test

To run tests for you plugin, place the code into [your-plugin-directory]/src/test/[layer], and run the following command in the top-level of your Kui project. Then, you should see all the tests under the layer directory run sequentially.

npm run testv2 [layer]

For example, you can run all the tests under plugin-k8s/src/test/k8s1 by npm run testv2 k8s1.

If your test has a distinguishable mocha test title, you can use TEST_FILTER environment variable to run a specific test suite:

For example:

TEST_FILTER="string response for command=test string" npm run testv2