- Develop key value pairs with Stock ID and Name
- Prevent duplicates from being created
- When an item is updated the code should still trigger an error that a duplicate is being created.
Our Professional Pantry cookware supply store needs to keep better track of our inventory (Stock). We want a system that can track the items we stock, how many are available, and the current price. We do not want to use Products to implement this functionality.
When you installed the RAD Women package it included a custom object called Stock_Item__c
, with the following fields:
A Trigger for the Stock Item object. There is already a trigger in your org called StockItemTrigger.trigger
. You have two options for how to implement the functionality described below.
Put the code directly in the trigger. There is already a section for processing BeforeInsert and BeforeDelete.
Put the code in a handler class. The trigger will need to call the methods in that handler class. You may create a class on your own, or use the StockItemHandler.cls
that is already set up.
- Before a Stock Item can be created, check that there is not already a stock item record with a matching name. If there is already a Stock Item with that name, change the name so that it is the name entered, plus the words “Duplicate Item”. We have a process in place to check for these elsewhere.
Alternative (Bonus): Instead of renaming, add a Trigger Exception error as described here
Before a Stock Item is deleted, make sure that the stock on hand is at 0. If it is not, Create a case so that someone is alerted. The case should indicate the name of the item that was deleted, the id, and the number of stock that were on hand when it was deleted in the description. The rest of the case can be configured however you think best. You can check out your Week 6 Bulkification homework on the AccountTrigger for an example of a similar pattern.
We need a method that can be called from elsewhere in our codebase called
. This should return a list of all the Stock Items that have a stock on hand count at or below their minimum stock level. It should include the following fields for the Stock Items it returns: