(Credits: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p-rSdt0aFuw&pp=ygUhZGFuY2UgZXZvbHV0aW9uIGZyb20gMTk1MCB0byAyMDE5)
(s - small, b - base, l - large, h - huge)
- Image / Video / Webcam support
- Video support using SORT algorithm to track bboxes between frames and mantain multi pose identification
- Torch / ONNX / Tensorrt models
- 4 ViTPose architectures with different sizes
- cpu / gpu / mps (apple silicon gpu)
- save output images / videos and json
Run on GTX1080ti
, consider that tensorrt > onnx > torch.
These benchmarks are relative to ViTPose
models, they do not consider Yolo detection that is done before ViTPose
- ViTPose-s: ~250 fps
- ViTPose-b: ~125 fps
- ViTPose-l: ~45 fps
- ViTPose-h: ~24.5 fps (these are relative to single person pose estimation)
The skeleton keypoint ordering can be found in visualization.py or below.
You now need to install the repo, I did not enforce the requirements.txt
as they are not thoroughly tested, be sure to install the necessary packages by yourself. To use the MPS support be sure to install a compatible torch version.
git clone [email protected]:JunkyByte/easy_ViTPose.git
cd easy_ViTPose/
pip install -e .
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Download the models from Huggingface
Right now, when usinginference.py
the yolo models are loaded from same folder of the script so place them there :)
The ONNX and tensorrt models were generated using the jupyter notebooks you can find ineasy_ViTPose/
, if you have problems running these checkpoints try to recreate them by yourself using the.pth
To run inference from command line you can use the inference.py
script as follows:
(be sure to cd easy_ViTPose/easy_ViTPose/
$ python inference.py --help
usage: inference.py [-h] [--input INPUT] [--output-path OUTPUT_PATH] --model MODEL
[--model-name MODEL_NAME] [--yolo-size YOLO_SIZE] [--rotate {0,90,180,270}]
[--yolo-step YOLO_STEP] [--yolo-nano] [--single-pose] [--show] [--show-yolo]
[--show-raw-yolo] [--save-img] [--save-json]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--input INPUT path to image / video or webcam ID (=cv2)
--output-path OUTPUT_PATH
output path, if the path provided is a directory output files are
"input_name +_result{extension}".
--model MODEL checkpoint path of the model
--model-name MODEL_NAME
[s: ViT-S, b: ViT-B, l: ViT-L, h: ViT-H]
--yolo-size YOLO_SIZE
YOLOv5 image size during inference
--rotate {0,90,180,270}
Rotate the image of [90, 180, 270] degress counterclockwise
--yolo-step YOLO_STEP
The tracker can be used to predict the bboxes instead of yolo for
performance, this flag specifies how often yolo is applied (e.g. 1 applies
yolo every frame). This does not have any effect when is_video is False
--yolo-nano Use (the very fast) yolo nano (instead of small)
--single-pose Do not use SORT tracker because single pose is expected in the video
--show preview result during inference
--show-yolo draw yolo results
--show-raw-yolo draw yolo result before that SORT is applied for tracking (only valid during
video inference)
--save-img save image results
--save-json save json results
You can run inference from code as follows:
import cv2
from easy_ViTPose import VitInference
# Image to run inference RGB format
img = cv2.imread('./examples/img1.jpg')
img = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)
# set is_video=True to enable tracking in video inference
# be sure to use VitInference.reset() function to reset the tracker after each video
# There are a few flags that allows to customize VitInference, be sure to check the class definition
model_path = './ckpts/vitpose-25-s.onnx'
yolo_path = './yolov5s.onnx'
# If you want to use MPS (on new macbooks) use the torch checkpoints for both ViTPose and Yolo
# If device is None will try to use cuda -> mps -> cpu (otherwise specify 'cpu', 'mps' or 'cuda')
model = VitInference(model_path, yolo_path, model_name='s', yolo_size=320, is_video=False, device=None)
# Infer keypoints, output is a dict where keys are person ids and values are keypoints (np.ndarray (25, 3): (y, x, score))
# If is_video=True the IDs will be consistent among the ordered video frames.
keypoints = model.inference(img)
# call model.reset() after each video
img = model.draw(show_yolo=True) # Returns RGB image with drawings
cv2.imshow('image', img)
If the input file is a video SORT is used to track people IDs and output consistent identifications.
Finetuning is done with train.py
on COCO + feet.
Check datasets/COCO.py
, config.yaml
and train.py
for details.
The output format of the json files:
[ # The list of frames, len(json['keypoints']) == len(video)
{ # For each frame a dict
"0": [ # keys are id to track people and value the keypoints
[121.19, 458.15, 0.99], # Each keypoint is (y, x, score)
[110.02, 469.43, 0.98],
[110.86, 445.04, 0.99],
"1": [
"0": [
[122.19, 458.15, 0.91],
[105.02, 469.43, 0.95],
[122.86, 445.04, 0.99],
"1": [
{ # Skeleton reference, key the idx, value the name
"0": "nose",
"1": "left_eye",
"2": "right_eye",
"3": "left_ear",
"4": "right_ear",
"5": "neck",
- Tensorrt version of yolo
Add possibility to not use tracker if single pose is expected in a video (benchmark the tracker)package setup- download models automatically when using CLI
- benchmark and check bottlenecks of inference pipeline
- parallel batched inference
tuning the parameters of the SORT(to be tested)allow for skip frames of yolo detection (to have faster inference) leveraging the SORT for tracking during those frames.- confidence masking on skeleton drawing (add arg)
Feel free to open issues, pull requests and contribute on these TODOs.
This code is substantially a fork of jaehyunnn/ViTPose_pytorch, without Jaehyunnn work this repo would not be possible. Thanks to the VitPose authors and their official implementation ViTAE-Transformer/ViTPose.
The SORT code is taken from abewley/sort