I am Josef, a PhD candidate in the Netmon research group. We work in the field of network traffic monitoring and analysis. Right now, I am primarily interested in network traffic monitoring and classification using time series analysis, statistics in the field of computer networks and the application of machine learning in the same field. I also teach (Computer Networks and Computer Networks Technologies for undergrads) and I am also lector of Basic Python and Data Science course on FEL CTU.
Moreover, I am president of IEEE student section for Czech Technical University in Czechoslovakia section. Also, I am senator in the academic senate of the Faculty of Information Technologies CTU in Prague. And I am vice-chairman of the Commission for Evaluation of Education Quality of the Academic Senate of the Faculty of Information Technologies CTU in Prague.
More on my Web page
My open-access papers are stored in LINK
My presentations from conferences are stored in LINK
My posters are stored in LINK
My thesises are stored in LINK, however, master and bachelor thesises are in czech.