PEGEX: A PEG-based pattern matching library EXtended by back reference with regex-like notation in Scala 
PEGEX (Parsing Expression Grammar EXtended by back reference with regex-like notations) is a PEG-like pattern matching library for Scala.
PEGEX provides both power of PEG and light-weight syntax of regular expressions. It accepts a PEG-variant with regex-like notations.
Currently, PEGEXes seem stronger than CFGs and alike Boolean Grammars.
Add the following line to your build.sbt
libraryDependency += "com.github.kmizu" %% "pegex" % "1.0.0"
- Scala 2.11.X, Scala 2.12.X, and Scala 2.13.X
- JDK 1.8.0 or later
- sbt 1.2.8 or later
See tests.
(name=e;)*, where name is name of this rule and e is an expression
Note that in PEGEX, space characters have meanings.
Thus, A=;
is different from A= ;
: sequence of expressions"ab"
: unordered choice of expressions"a|b"
: zero or more repetition"a*"
: one or more repetition."a+"
: zero-or-one repetition."(a|b)?"
: positive lookahead."(?=a)"
: negative lookahead"(?!a)"
: named capture\g'E'
: (recursive) rule invocation ofE
- is identical to
- is identical to
: back reference of the named capture ofname
#{E}$; E=<(?<tag>#{I})>#{E}*</\k<tag>>; I=[a-z]+;
- .: any character.
matches one character excepta
- _: success certainly.
- x: one character.
: character class. e.g.[a-zA-Z_]
- Support Scala 2.11.X, 2.12.X, and 2.13.X
- From this version, follow Semantic Versioning