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vscroll 1.3 + angularjs

Angular virtual scroll that can be applied to any ng-repeat markup.

vscroll can offer performance benefits when working with very large collections. It does so by only rendering and processing a subset of the data which is visible to the user vs. processing the entire list of data. By creating only DOM elements for the visible items, this can greatly reduce the amount of work it has to do.


Code licensed under MIT license.


Installing via Bower

bower install vscroll

Installing via Npm

You need to add next line to your package.json file:
"vscroll": ""

Get Started


Don't forget to include vscroll module!

anuglar.module('some-module-name', ['vscroll',...])


Inject scroll service to controller and invoke it to create vscroll context.

var app = angular.module('app', ['vscroll']);
app.controller('vscrollTest', ['$scope', 'vscroll', function ($scope, vscroll) {
    $ = [];
    for (var i = 0; i < 200; i++) {
	    $[i] = 'item ' + i;

    $scope.vscrollContext = vscroll({threshold: 30});


vscroll service returns instance that connects user settings, scroll port and scroll filter. User should inject service to angular controller and invoke it by passing settings object

      * The height of an element, can be number or function. 
      * Recommendation is to override the default function, because it used getComputedStyle internally.
      * @param (HTMLElement) element.
      * @param (number) index of element.
      * @default function that returns offsetHeight + + margin.bottom.
   	rowHeight: function(element, index) {
   		return element.offsetHeight;
      * The width of an element, can be number or function.
      * Recommendation is to override the default function, because it used getComputedStyle internally.
      * @param (HTMLElement) element.
      * @param (number) index of element.
      * @default function that returns offsetWidth + margin.left + margin.right.
   	columnWidth: function(element, index) {
   		return element.offsetHeight;
 	* The number defines how many items will be materialized to dom elements.
 	* @default 64.
	threshold: 30,

	 * The function defines method of getting data for next page of infinite scroll.		
	 * @param {number} skip How many elements should by skipped to get next page.
	 * @param {number} take Size of next page.
	 * @param {deffered} deferred Deffered object that should be resolved with total number of items.
	 * @default angular.noop
	fetch: function (skip, take, d) {
        getSomeData(skip, take)
               	$ = data;
               	// if you don't know total number of items
               	// you can use "+ take" expression,
               	// it says that next page can be fetched
               	d.resolve(data.length + take);
     * The width of an placeholder background image.
     * @default 0.
    placeholderWidth: 100,
     * The height of an placeholder background image.
     * @default 0.
    placeholderHeight: 200,
     * Array of triggers to invoke reset action.
     * @default ['resize']
    resetTriggers: []

HTML markup

  • Add vscroll directive to element with scroll bars
  • Add vscroll-port-(x|y) directive to scrollable element
  • Add vscroll filter and track by $index into ng-repeat directive
  • Add vscroll-row or vscroll-column to the repeated element that will be virtualized
  • Bind vscroll context to the vscroll-port-(x|y) directive and vscroll filter
  • Bind once $index to the vscroll-row or vscroll-column directive
<div ng-controller="vscrollTest" vscroll>
        <ul vscroll-port-y="vscrollContext">
            <li vscroll-row="{{::$index}}" 
            	ng-repeat="item in data | vscroll: vscrollContext track by $index">


To setup development environment make sure that npm is installed on your machine, after that just execute npm command for the project.
npm install


We use phantomjs and jasmine to ensure quality of the code. The easiest way to run these asserts is to use npm command for the project.
npm test

How it works

We believe, that core concept of vscroll is simplicity. We don't implement complex transclusions or our own ng-repeat directive, we just use angular's native tools. We don't change elements, we change collection, and angular is responsible for the rest.

vscroll filter returns to ng-repeat expression ~threshold number of elements. We force to use track by $index expression to make angular think that collection is constant and there is no need to recreate dom elements.

vscroll core principles:

  • To store list of element offsets from the top/left container side.
  • To understand which elements should be displayed(thanks to binary search in offsets).
  • To calculate lower and upper indexes for collection(return to ng-repeat window of elements).
  • To add paddings to top/bottom or left/right container sides(emulate vertically/horizontally scroll).

Angular Compatibility

To get maximum performance benefits from vscroll, anuglar 1.3+ should be used, regarding to one-time binding support,

<div vscroll-row="{{::$index}}"/>


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