Quickly set up my dev environment across different machines.
- Zsh: Powerful, customizable shell with advanced features for scripting and interaction. zsh.org
- Git: Popular version control system for tracking and managing code changes. git-scm.com
- Curl: Command-line tool for data transfers with support for multiple protocols. curl.se
- GNU Stow: Symlink manager for organizing dotfiles or software packages. gnu.org/software/stow
git clone https://github.com/klemjul/dotfiles.git ~/.dotfiles
cd ~/.dotfiles
bash bootstrap.sh
mise tasks
mise run install-languages
mise run install-tools
mise run install-vscode
mise run backup-vscode
docker build -t dotfile-test-image .
docker run -it dotfile-test-image zsh
$ cd ~/.dotfiles
$ bash bootstrap.sh