Python client for accessing the Clage Waterheater via the local https-Rest-API-Endpoint of the clage Homeserver
Tested with the "Clage DSX Touch" with an integrated Homeserver.
Based on the API documentation version 1.3.4.
This is the first version of the API so there are still breaking chnages possible eg. output parameter names or values.
All rights of CLAGE GmbH remain unaffected.
- Query the status of the homeserver & water heater
- Query the setup values of the homeserver & water heater
- Query the consumption values for water (Liter) and energy (kWh)
- Set the setpoint temperature for the heater
pip install clage_homeserver
from clage_homeserver import ClageHomeServer
clageHomeServer = ClageHomeServer('','Your Homeserver ID','Your Heater ID')
# Request the status of the homeserver/heater
print (clageHomeServer.requestStatus())
# Request the setup values of the homeserver/heater
print (clageHomeServer.requestSetup())
# Request the consupmtion values of the homeserver/heater
print (clageHomeServer.GetConsumptionTotals())
# Set the temperature to 45.6 °C (setpoint)